The Cycling Plan and the latest cycling implementation report are just about to be voted on, at 8:13pm.
The poor staff, this was a Timed Item and was supposed to be done hours ago.
I will try to accurately document the motions and their outcomes:
Carried on Consent (voted on recorded)
Councillor Holyday trying to delete a bunch of proposed Cycle Tracks:
Councillor Morley with a tweak to the current Cycle Tracks in Bloor West Village, the room will now here from
@crs1026 on the wisdom of this tweak.
Loses 4 to 17
Holyday trying to spike Cycle Tracks on Kipling (not happening for a bit yet)
Loses 3 to 19
More Bloor Cycle Track tweaks,
Holyday had the above split so B and C are separate, passing 19-3, the balance carries on consent
Holyday got one through! (below)
Carries unanimously!
Next up from Cllr. Holyday:
Loses 9 to 13
And again, LOL
Loses 9 to 13
Cllr Nunziata did manage to gently push something back......its fine.......
(carried on consent)
From Cllr Bradford:
Carries 19 to 3
A couple of motions from Cllr. Mc Kelvie were entirely non-controversial changes to report structure and carried on consent.
The Cycle Plan, as amended passes 20-2
Councillor Holyday now trying something different, LOL
Loses 5 to 17
Carries on consent
And finally the item as Amended:
Carries 19 to 2
And we're damage done.