Senior Member
so we MUST build this because we FEAR that the public will turn on DRL final price tag and nothing will get built?
That's a very loose interpretation of what I actually said. IMO, everyone can have an opinion on whether SSE should or should not be built.
However, it is unacceptable and stupid to celebrate a possible killing of a major transit project, or gloat about it.
That is some great fear mongering
Hopefully, you understand the difference between taking reasonable precautions and "fear mongering". Otherwise, your everyday life would be full of accidents.
Who defines what rapid transit is? The fact that the LRT will have half the stops of the local bus routes and never be in mixed traffic to me feels pretty rapid transit like.
Indeed, there is no universally accepted definition. In my opinion, the clue is in the average speed, and the duration of a typical trip. If the projected speed of Toronto-style street-median LRT is 23 kph, and the average speed of a bus route it replaces is 18 kph, then LRT is not rapid transit. LRT is still useful in many cases, but should be described as an improved local service.
Otherwise, you would have to count mixed-traffic express buses as rapid transit as well. Many of the TTC express bus routes have wider stop spacing than the planned light rail lines.
Even if you do think LRTs are local transit with Smarttrack coming shouldnt you be focusing on getting your riders from their doorstops to the Smarttrack stops. If that is true then Scarborough needs all the LRT it can get.
As already mentioned, those LRTs would help. However, you will not see Scarberians pushing hard for their construction, or buying into the idea of trading their subway extension for them.
If the city builds those LRTs eventually, they will be received well, I hope.