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Ah...the hilarity continues. Can you say "Line by Line Audit"? How about "Upload of Subway" and "Privatization"?

But the best one of all is "DBFOM". Who loves ya? If you have a business case to make, then you're laughing too. But oddly, 'forces that be' don't want an audit of the SSE.

Why would that be? It's going to happen one way or another...the sooner the better. Or is Truth to be feared?
Ah...the hilarity continues. Can you say "Line by Line Audit"? How about "Upload of Subway" and "Privatization"?

But the best one of all is "DBFOM". Who loves ya? If you have a business case to make, then you're laughing too. But oddly, 'forces that be' don't want an audit of the SSE.

Why would that be? It's going to happen one way or another...the sooner the better. Or is Truth to be feared?

A business case can be made when costs of cancellation/inflation, delays, impacts to other projects are looked at for any reasonable plan that would provide less benefit than this corridor with stops. This isn't an audit for the Downtown Left happening right now and If you believe Ford cares to make their dreams of cancelling the SSE come true you're dreaming. Truth is the opposition had their chance to work towards value and choose not to.

We needed an value and design audit on the waste the was David Millers Transit City.
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A business case can be made when costs of cancellation/inflation, delays, impacts to other projects are looked at for any reasonable plan that would provide less benefit than this corridor with stops. This isn't an audit for the Downtown Left happening right now and If you believe Ford cares to make their dreams of cancelling the SSE come true you're dreaming . Truth is the opposition had their chance to work towards value and choose not to.

We needed an value and design audit on the waste the was David Millers Transit City.
There you go, right on cue, trying to change it to the Squirrel Channel.

Try and keep you mind focused on the subject at hand. Maybe you can't do it, the twitching is to the point of jerking?

Audit for SSE or not? I say yes. If you agree, then why don't the majority of supporters? Bit of a problem there, wot?

Now getting back to Genghis Khan, Mickey Mouse and Alice in Wonderland...not to overlook Mary Poppins and her Leftie Brolly...
Auditor should examine Scarborough subway extension: Editorial ... › Opinion › Editorials
Sep 5, 2017 - Ontario's auditor general should conduct a probe to let taxpayers know if theScarborough subway extension makes financial sense.
Push to see value-for-money analysis of Scarborough subway rejected › News › City Hall
Oct 27, 2017 - The city's audit committee voted against a motion from Councillor Josh ... one-stop, $3.35 billion subway extension to the seven-stop LRT ...
Councillor wants auditor to compare costs of Scarborough subway ...
Nov 8, 2017 - “Metrolinx has known for a long time what a waste of money the one-stop subway extension has always been.,” Matlow told CP24. “For Toronto ...
TTC didn't deliberately interfere with council's vote on Scarborough ...
Oct 13, 2017 - Toronto's auditor general to probe Scarborough subway complaint ... The subway extension's price tag was last projected to be $3.35 billion, ...
Scarborough subway critics want Ontario's auditor general to ... -
Aug 23, 2017 - Critics of the Scarborough subway project are asking Ontario's auditor ... who rely on the RT station if the proposed subway plan goes ahead.
[PDF]Attachment 1: Auditor General's Report - Review of ... - City of Toronto
Oct 13, 2017 - Exhibit 2: The Complaint Letter to the Auditor General with a Brief ... costs of theScarborough Subway Extension (SSE) compared to the.
[PDF]Scarborough Subway Extension Project: Metrolinx ... - City of Toronto
Feb 19, 2015 - Staff report for action on Scarborough Subway Extension Project: ... auditor that were incurred by Metrolinx prior to or as a result of Council's.
There is no future in which the Scarborough subway is a good idea ...
Nov 10, 2017 - The one-stop Scarborough subway's current budget is $3.55 billion, and it's ... A report from the city's auditor general brought the subject back to the ... it's an enormously expensive one-stopsubway extension (almost certain ...

We need a value for money analysis of the one-stop Scarborough ...
Oct 24, 2017 - Toronto's Auditor General Beverly Romeo-Beehler presented her report ... as high as the $3.2 billion one-stop Scarborough Subway Extension.
etc, etc, etc....
There you go, right on cue, trying to change it to the Squirrel Channel.

Try and keep you mind focused on the subject at hand. Maybe you can't do it, the twitching is to the point of jerking?

Audit for SSE or not? I say yes. If you agree, then why don't the majority of supporters? Bit of a problem there, wot?

Now getting back to Genghis Khan, Mickey Mouse and Alice in Wonderland...not to overlook Mary Poppins and her Leftie Brolly...

There's really no problem here as no one of any importance cares for your desperate calls for a sour grapes audit. You didn't care much for audit or working on better solutions at anytime until it was clear Scarborough wouldn't be hacked in to save Downtown money. As much as id be OK with and audit recommending either Rob Fords LRT or Murrays BDL subway extension, I see no value in backtracking.
I'm just skeptical that Doug can stay in power for more than 4 years yet alone 8. Scandals follow him and his brother (Robs ex is suing him atm). In 4 years though whoever is coming in may say this is insane we need that money for the drl, let's just keep the RT afloat and send the money to the drl. In four years downtown and yonge will have boomed even more. In four years the yonge line will be even more over capacity. In 4 years they may want to go ahead with the yonge extension to buy votes. The DRL is needed. The danforth extension is a luxury. Luxuries can be cancelled.
There's really no problem here as no one of any importance cares for your desperate calls for a sour grapes audit. You didn't care much for audit or working on better solutions at anytime until it was clear Scarborough wouldn't be hacked in to save Downtown money. As much as id be OK with and audit recommending either Rob Fords LRT or Murrays BDL subway extension, I see no value in backtracking.
For Eglinton, I could have imagined Ford ending the lawsuit by agreeing to pay extra to grade separate that line.
If he doesn't want to use political capital on that, I don't think he will use up any by changing the SSE and alienating Scarborough voters.
You don't just try to change the channel, you stare at a blank screen and see dead people.

I've always been calling for an audit. Anything else to add? Are they Leftie Monsters?

The derangement channel can be fascinating to watch for a laugh, but I prefer to go back to reality TV

Do you have any how any proof of your calls for an audit during Millers LRT debacle? C'mon, be truthful, its sour grapes since the plan was overturned.

Leftie Monsters? More sour grapes talk. There are simply a few very disrespectful, ignorant outside councillors who happen to all be on the Left who refused to work with Scarborough voters to improve the poor LRT design. We have many great Left NDP and Liberal politicians here in Scarborough from all levels most are very large supporters of better connectivity and the subway. Many opportunities to do better and they choose to go all in on Transfer City, now they want an audit when all relevant leaders have chosen to move far past this ignorance. Ya not happening.

When you are holding out hope for Ford to alienate a massive chunk of his Toronto voter base you really hit the end of the line in the dreams to hack in Scarborough Centre.
Do you have any how any proof of your calls for an audit during Millers LRT debacle? Odd that. But *any and all* big ticket transit items should be audited. Why is that so difficult for you and others to understand?

Sure as hell it will be done in great detail by a bidder for DBFOM. Or is 'Private Enterprise' too 'Leftie' for you?
SSE will be built, audit or not.

If you guys must have an audit, or 15 audits, then go and play. Won't change anything though.
SSE will be built, audit or not.

If you guys must have an audit, or 15 audits, then go and play. Won't change anything though.
15 audits would take you to a new premier. I wouldn't be so sure whoever comes next is going to support this money pit. I know people from Scarborough think there votes matter exponentially more than others and with the current set up it might. However the more people which move to yonge, and or downtown the shift in voting power changes as well. New people will need to be appeased and Scarborough could be left with scraps.
All I know is that on my street in the last decade there has been 1 condo built and another under construction. And I live at Bathurst and Eglinton. When I go downtown there must have been 50 buildings built in the same time if not more. Somehow though the DRL is not a priority over Scarborough simply because its a political football. Downtown is booming, Yonge is booming. Scarborough like my area is building but nothing in comparison to downtown. Even if we wanted to compare to less downtown areas then Liberty village is booming as well as the humber bay area (no one other than Jennifer are even talking about a DRL west). We should be building subways where people are choosing to live. not building them hoping that one day they will live there. Everyone liked to mock TC for being a gentrification plan more than a transit plan but this danforth scarborough extension takes the cake.
Some comparison:
Why Doesn’t Mississauga Have a Subway?
February 19, 2018
So, what’s preventing a subway from being built?

Some might argue it has to do with political will.

As anyone who remembers Rob Ford knows, subways can be very contentious—especially when considering the fact that they are quite expensive to build.

If a city or province spends billions on a subway that never gets used, the optics are not favourable.

There are also alternatives to subways and with more viable options (RER, LRT) in front of them, why would Mississauga councillors risk it all by backing an idea without a credible plan or money behind it?

However, people might not realize that a subway was once a possibility. In fact, almost two decades ago, Mississauga was in the running for one.

When Toronto was planning to extend the existing TTC subway network by the year 2011, it mentioned Mississauga specifically. That plan included extending the Bloor Danforth west bound line into the Dixie GOstation (as cited in this 2001 report), with possible further expansion all the way to City Centre (making that map we have up top not that far fetched).


Ultimately, extending the Bloor Danforth subway into Mississauga was dead on arrival when the City Centre option was screened from further consideration because the Region of Peel didn’t support the project as part of their official plan, preferring instead a dedicated bus rapid transit corridor and an extension of the then-proposed Eglinton subway line. The Eglinton subway line was subsequently reburied by the Mike Harris Conservatives, and only now has rapid transit been revived for Eglinton with the construction of the Eglinton Crosstown LRT, slated to open in 2021.

The idea of a subway/transit line extending from a large metropolitan city into an adjacent suburb/edge city is not a figment of imagination. Surrey BC has that connection when it comes to Skytrain stations from downtown Vancouver, and Laval in Quebec is home to three Montreal Metro subway stops.

Sure, there may be one day when a Mississauga subway from Toronto will grace our presence, but we can’t guarantee you it’ll be in any of our lifetimes.

So there you have it, the subway dream failed to manifest because it never quite made sense to all the right people at the right time.

We’ll see how the subway conversations continue as RER and the LRT take shape in the city.
