Active Member
Any idea when drilling will begin for the Relief Line route?
It's coming but it will come much quicker when your Politicians & Political media megaphone stop trying to take from projects in other areas of the City & build together.
From the article.
"The shouting still isn’t over on whether the Scarborough Subway should be built at all, despite what De Baeremaeker, Mayor John Tory, or Scarborough’s MPPs have said."
And this is what your leaders will do instead. Thanks to Tory the newly added a property tax increase will hopefully help us all out & stop this Political nonsense. Could have been much easier to avoid the extension with an intelligent LRT network. But even when your Politicians are desperate because there Mickey Mouse suburban transit plan backfired they still just bark & have no other useful plan to replace the subway extension except more of the same.
I want to see the DRL built as well as many other necessary projects. But this DRL Priority narrative & repetitive BS cheap alternatives patch/transfer plans for Scarborough gets us nowhere Politically & only allows us to flip flop us between polarizing inadequate transit plans. Hopefully we can start working together to build the entire City
This disgraceful Media giant tries so hard to convince it's base that Tory & Ford politics are just imaginary & that there really is no problem with how we invest in the outer areas of the City. The Elite media should feel lucky Mayor Tory leans to the left side of center as much as he does. That's the best its going to be until this nonsense come to an end
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