Senior Member
So to "botch" it (Toronto signature move in Public Transit) was a better solution to you? I doubt that extending the subway in 1985 dollars to STC would have ended being more expensive than what we're about to do with the 1 stop subway. Stations would have been at Eglington & McCowan, Lawrence & McCowan and STC. Today. we'd be talking crossing the 401 instead of starting from scratch at nearly $5B (most likely more) for the 1 stop subway.
Not liking the 1 stop subway doesn't mean you can't admit that it should have been done right from the get go in the 80s. (Sound City planning + subway extension)
Today's mess is decades of incompetence in the planning process.
A subway in Scarborough is poor planning.
There was no need for more subway stations in Scarborough during the 80s. 30 years later, there still isn't.
"Sound planning" would be building subways where density supports them, not where they're politically advantageous.
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