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If he had his way, the city would have no clubs at all. People would only be allowed to do what he considered fun.

This is exactly what I've been saying all along, to blatantly assume that all young people in the area are violent and/or drunk is a blatant case of discrimination. Vaughan may not like clubs or that style of music, but it's beyond his authority as a politician to force businesses out.
Do you seriously think doady was suggesting violence?

Not him, himself. Just that "I hope he gets what is coming to him" is a poor choice of words, given how the Entertainment District can be associated with thugs and creeps...
Not him, himself. Just that "I hope he gets what is coming to him" is a poor choice of words, given how the Entertainment District can be associated with thugs and creeps...

Given that it's based on a you really think some 21 and under kids are going to track down Adam Vaughn and kick his ass because their favourite club happened to close? The entire idea is pretty silly.
Given that it's based on a you really think some 21 and under kids are going to track down Adam Vaughn and kick his ass because their favourite club happened to close? The entire idea is pretty silly.

No, not 21 and under kids. Rather, the stereotype of the thugs who run the clubs, or are connected with those who run the clubs. We're not talking about simple childish ass kicking, we're talking about a tire iron to the kneecaps or some even more gruesome Jimmy Hoffa-ish fate.

Again, "stereotype".
No, not 21 and under kids. Rather, the stereotype of the thugs who run the clubs, or are connected with those who run the clubs. We're not talking about simple childish ass kicking, we're talking about a tire iron to the kneecaps or some even more gruesome Jimmy Hoffa-ish fate.

Again, "stereotype".

I think you've been watching too much Sopranos :p
The farmland tax rate is 0.1527307%.
The residential tax rate is 0.6109226%.
The commercial tax rate is 2.1514381%.

I would have thought the clubs would be taxed at the commercial tax rate, and Vaughan wants the clubs to become all residential? Commercial properties are taxed at 3.5 times the rate for residential, and he wants to lose all that revenue? Maybe the club owners should tear it all down and plant some wheat.

(The rates are based on 2008 rates.)
^A 20 storey, 200 unit condo's property value is easily worth 10 times that of a club.


$50 million * residential tax = $300,000
$5 million * commercial tax = $100,000

Pretty sure multi-family larger than 6 units pay a much higher mill rate than the .61% you have posted
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Having seen what I've seen and from what I've heard Adam Vaughan say in public with regards to his intention of closing down the clubs, I think there are probable grounds for a class action lawsuit against the city and the councillor.

These are legal businesses. Vaughan has gone way overboard. I think he'll be a one term councillor, or a broke one.

Probable grounds for a class action lawsuit, huh? I have trouble discerning sarcasm on the internet, but that's a joke, right?

I'm not in favour of Vaughan's pandering to puritans, but let's not pretend that Vaughan's brand of political pandering rises to the level of actionable. We have councillors like Rob Ford (running around calling Chinese people "dogs" and assaulting people at hockey games) or Case Ootes / Doug Holiday (fighting tooth-and-nail to prevent the installation of bike lanes). Those antics give rise to quantifiable damages to an identifiable class of similarly situated people.

Vaughan, by comparison, rails against people who piss, puke and rumble in the street, and the businesses who profit by feeding booze to the pissers/pukers/rumblers without regard to the external costs thereof.
Vaughan, by comparison, rails against people who piss, puke and rumble in the street, and the businesses who profit by feeding booze to the pissers/pukers/rumblers without regard to the external costs thereof.

More stareotypes.......I've seen people puking on the sidewalk in front of the Queens Legs Pub on Eglinton West, but there are no calls to tear it down.......Vaughan scores cheap points complaining about young people and music he doesen't like, in the Entertainment District.
More stareotypes.......I've seen people puking on the sidewalk in front of the Queens Legs Pub on Eglinton West, but there are no calls to tear it down.......Vaughan scores cheap points complaining about young people and music he doesen't like, in the Entertainment District.

His pet phrase is "culture of lawlessness" and I don't see how one can argue that it's an inapt description of Thursday-Saturday night at Adelaide & Peter. Still, I agree that Vaughan scores cheap points with his suburbanist, reactionary constituents when he says stuff like that. That's what politicians do: pander to their constituents. But the other premise of your post is wrong, and I would challenge you to show me a single instance in which Vaughan has said he wants to "tear down" bars in the Entertainment District. He says he wants to enforce the laws on the books to "reign in the culture of lawlessness".
His pet phrase is "culture of lawlessness" and I don't see how one can argue that it's an inapt description of Thursday-Saturday night at Adelaide & Peter. Still, I agree that Vaughan scores cheap points with his suburbanist, reactionary constituents when he says stuff like that. That's what politicians do: pander to their constituents. But the other premise of your post is wrong, and I would challenge you to show me a single instance in which Vaughan has said he wants to "tear down" bars in the Entertainment District. He says he wants to enforce the laws on the books to "reign in the culture of lawlessness".

I think his point is that Vaughn would have no problem doing away with all the clubs in the district when you can find other establishments around the city that arguably breed a 'culture of lawlessness'.
Exactly my point Syn.....Vaughan is singling out a particular type of nightlife establishment. The nightclub as we know it is only 15 to 20 years old, before that people simply went to the bar to drink, not to dance. Why is Vaughan cracking down on young people dancing when there are plenty of establishments city wide that breed lawlessness amongst older bar goers?The law should be applied fimly everywhere, not selectively against young people.
I presume it's not against "young people" in the rawest sense, but vulgar young people. Thus the typical invocations (implied or not) of greasy Ginos etc. from the 905 in these condemnations of the Entertainment District.

Vaughan vs Vaughan, IOW.
This district is honestly among the least threatening in the downtown core. I don't even do the club thing much anymore, but I still think any concentrated effort to kill the district is idiotic. If anything, corralling the so-called obnoxious party-goers to one district should be beneficial; it makes it way easier as someone who doesn't care for it to avoid it. If it's broken up and spread out, you'll have the noise and parties in far more areas all around. I think the Club District is a culture all its own, whether people like it or not. How would you feel if someone tried to get rid of Little Italy because they don't like Italians? The same basic concept can be applied to efforts to kill this district.
This district is honestly among the least threatening in the downtown core. I don't even do the club thing much anymore, but I still think any concentrated effort to kill the district is idiotic. If anything, corralling the so-called obnoxious party-goers to one district should be beneficial; it makes it way easier as someone who doesn't care for it to avoid it. If it's broken up and spread out, you'll have the noise and parties in far more areas all around. I think the Club District is a culture all its own, whether people like it or not. How would you feel if someone tried to get rid of Little Italy because they don't like Italians? The same basic concept can be applied to efforts to kill this district.

The thing is, there is no such place as the 'club district.' It's a presumption. If anything, you should call it the restaurant district because these establishments far outnumber nightclubs.

Whether you like it or not, the area in question has been identified for residential development because of its proximity to downtown. That residential development is what will continue to reduce the number of clubs in the area. It is already happening and will continue to happen.
