Question for locals: Is this the busiest Christmas Market to date? I was in Corktown last weekend and was taken aback by the car traffic coming from the district.
I live nearby. After a few years where the traffic seemed better, due to the pandemic and stricter traffic control measures, this year it is horrible again. Whatever traffic and parking changes they made since last year did not work.
Yesterday I saw multiple cars making illegal right turns on red from Mill St to go north on Parliament, one nearly striking pedestrians in the crosswalk. The paid duty cop standing on the corner watched this unfold, slack-jawed and useless.
Over on Cherry St at Front Street, multiple vehicles were illegally turning into the streetcar right-of-way -- again, some cutting off pedestrians crossing legally in the crosswalk in order to do so.
In the Canary District, cars had parked along both sides of Cooperage Street, leaving only a tiny channel down the middle barely wide enough for a car. A parking cop was on hand, feasting on the bounty as she ticketed every car parked illegally on the east side, which was clearly signed with multiple no-parking signs.
A few blocks west, a dozen SUVs jammed Princess St south of Front, all trying to go north, all revving their engines and accelerating impatiently, clearly irritated after trolling the area in a futile search for parking.
Throughout, these festive scenes were accompanied by the jolly caroling of blaring car horns, as all the would-be festival goers obstructed each other.
All these sights were enjoyed in one short walk, which I sorely regretted. We're over a month into this now, and there's still nearly two weeks til Christmas.