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Stoop and Scoop observations

The first instance observed was a gentleman walking his beagle. The dog went into his "I'm gonna poop" shuffle at which point the guy whipped out a paper bag, grabbed the dogs tail, positioned the bag under the chute and made a clean catch. Nothing touched the ground.

The second observation was made while pumping gas and watching the traffic (nothing else to do) a guy walking a dog appeared across the street when the dog signalled an impending delivery. The guy produces a plastic bag and scoops up the load and I'm thinking Good Man. He then strode 3 paces to the curb, emptied the doo doo bag on the road and started to walk away when a car stopped and the driver engaged him in a very short conversation. Sure wish I had heard that little exchange.
I'm a pretty observant guy as I make my way around but I've honestly never seen anyone not pick up after their dog and I live in a neighborhood with tons of dogs. I'm sure not saying it doesn't happen, it obviously does. I have a suspicion that it happens more in the winter (that's when the problem seems to be worse) and under cover of night.
What is the big deal? The Humane Society probably put dogs down daily already and people still buy from pet stores instead of adopting an animal and saving its life.

I admit putting all dogs to sleep would be wrong, because it is such a waste, considering how good they taste. Back in my family's old country there are restaurants and bars everywhere that specialize in dog meat. It is really not a big deal.

Unless you have adopted an animal AND you are a vegetarian, then you can criticize me, otherwise you are just a hypocrite.
I admit putting all dogs to sleep would be wrong, because it is such a waste, considering how good they taste.
I really have to object to that. Personally I haven't eaten a dog, but the description I have had from those who have had, is that they taste how a wet dog smells.

Perhaps it's an acquired taste ...
Unless you have adopted an animal AND you are a vegetarian, then you can criticize me, otherwise you are just a hypocrite.
Horray! :D

The issue isn't the dog, it's the owners. Dogs can be smart, but we shouldn't expect them to know which patch of dirt is good to go on and what's not. It's the job of the owners to direct their dog where to go to the washroom, and to pick up their poo.

As for people that spit on the ground, is there not some sort of bylaw that prohibits that? I know that you can get a pretty hefty fine for doing that in Singapore, but I have never heard of anyone in Toronto being fined for spitting in public. It bothers me whenever anybody does this, for two reasons. First, it degrades sidewalks and other such areas. Second, it shows their lack of respect for the City, the Neighborhood, and people around them. Spitting has evolved to be an insult, and I certainly find it an insult whenever someone spits around me (assuming they don't have a good reason or apologize.)
What is the big deal? The Humane Society probably put dogs down daily already and people still buy from pet stores instead of adopting an animal and saving its life.

I admit putting all dogs to sleep would be wrong, because it is such a waste, considering how good they taste. Back in my family's old country there are restaurants and bars everywhere that specialize in dog meat. It is really not a big deal.

Unless you have adopted an animal AND you are a vegetarian, then you can criticize me, otherwise you are just a hypocrite.

You could be civil and just state your arguement, or that you don't like dogs and that would be fine.
We don't eat dog here, it's not an accepted practice in our culture. As a dog owner I find your comments above among the most ridiculous and offensive ever posted on UT.

Hundreds of millions of people know this to be true, so go eat cake -

What is the big deal? The Humane Society probably put dogs down daily already and people still buy from pet stores instead of adopting an animal and saving its life.

I admit putting all dogs to sleep would be wrong, because it is such a waste, considering how good they taste. Back in my family's old country there are restaurants and bars everywhere that specialize in dog meat. It is really not a big deal.

Unless you have adopted an animal AND you are a vegetarian, then you can criticize me, otherwise you are just a hypocrite.

i think a middle ground solution would be if people just ate their dog's poo. ;)
You could be civil and just state your arguement, or that you don't like dogs and that would be fine.
We don't eat dog here, it's not an accepted practice in our culture. As a dog owner I find your comments above among the most ridiculous and offensive ever posted on UT.

So basically you cannot tolerate Chinese and Southeast Asian culture? I find your comments ridiculous and offensive. :rolleyes:

I just don't see why killing dogs is so taboo, if we already kill dogs systematically on a daily basis, and we also kill other domesticated animals such as pigs, chickens, cows, ducks, etc. Again, unless you are a vegetarian, you should not have any problem with what I say. Remember, there is no right or wrong, only profitable and unprofitable. And dogs as pets are unprofitable.

But if I can steer us back on topic, and be serious for a moment: my father has a dog (a cocker spaniel) and she is the cutest dog you'll ever meet. I walked her every day last summer, because she was overweight, and my dad never has the time to walk her. I have ALWAYS picked up after her, even though she is not even my dog, so why can't other people pick up after their own dog?

That's why I call for much stricter punishment. Because if people are not willing to clean up after dogs that they love and cherish, then what else can you do? A trade-in program for cats?
So basically you cannot tolerate Chinese and Southeast Asian culture? I find your comments ridiculous and offensive. :rolleyes:

You've got some nerve accusing me of being intolerant to Asian culture over the subject of eating dog.
I really don't like the word "tolerant", it's so 1990's PC.
You don't know me but I can assure you I embrace all people regardless of ethnic backgrounds, religious affiliations and culture. That's a big part of what makes Toronto - the city I grew up in and love, so great. But eating dog is just not done here, it's almost exclusively frowned upon in this country. During the Olympics in Beijing the government had dog removed from menus in the tourist areas of Beijing, I think that acknowledges Western culture's sensitivity to the issue.

I just don't see why killing dogs is so taboo, if we already kill dogs systematically on a daily basis, and we also kill other domesticated animals such as pigs, chickens, cows, ducks, etc. Again, unless you are a vegetarian, you should not have any problem with what I say. Remember, there is no right or wrong, only profitable and unprofitable. And dogs as pets are unprofitable.

Domestic pets (cats, dogs etc.) are humanely euthanized when they cannot be placed into a loving home after a set amount of time, when they are terribly injured and beyond help or as they suffer from disease near end of life. I also believe that people should have that option as they near end of life but that's a whole other discussion.
I'm not sure I understand "dogs as pets are unprofitable", but if I do well, neither is most anything that our consumer hungry society purchases. At least a dog can provide many years of loyal love, happiness and companionship, often more than many human beings are capable of providing. The business of selling dogs, toys, food, vet clinics and the like are a billion dollar industry on this continent.

But if I can steer us back on topic, and be serious for a moment: my father has a dog (a cocker spaniel) and she is the cutest dog you'll ever meet. I walked her every day last summer, because she was overweight, and my dad never has the time to walk her. I have ALWAYS picked up after her, even though she is not even my dog, so why can't other people pick up after their own dog?

That's why I call for much stricter punishment. Because if people are not willing to clean up after dogs that they love and cherish, then what else can you do? A trade-in program for cats?

The City of Toronto has a bylaw in place for not picking up after their dog. I agree, it's terrible when people don't pick up as it only takes a few biodegradable bags in their pocket and 5 seconds to bend over and pick it up. Violators should be fined.
I have a yellow Labrador Retriever. As I suffer from major depression I can tell you that without this dog which must be walked three times a day I'd not be here today. No matter how bad I'm feeling, I've got to get out and walk her - no exceptions. Sometimes we don't make it past the backyard, most often I set a target of where we will walk to and push with everything I've got to get there (and back). Without this dog I'd possibly have succumbed to disease from lack of exercise or simply "checked out" from the loneliness and isolation that comes from this disease. Dogs (and cats) can serve more of a purpose than just being sh*t machines, or as a main course.
Domestic pets (cats, dogs etc.) are humanely euthanized when they cannot be placed into a loving home after a set amount of time.

I think it's important to fight this perception. The Toronto Humane Society is a wonderful organization and simply does not do this. From their website:

Pets stay in adoption until the right home comes along. The length of stay for animals varies. No animal is ever euthanized due to lack of space or because the animal has simply "been here too long".
I think it's important to fight this perception. The Toronto Humane Society is a wonderful organization and simply does not do this. From their website:

That is news to me; great news!
Thank you for pointing that out CDL.TO, that's great to know. And yes, the THS is a terrific organization, I have had a monthly donation setup for many years.
