Northern Light
The TRCA is now examining a draft Trail Strategy for the Greater Toronto Area.
This strategy is part wishlist, part planning exercise and very much a compelling argument for public funds.
It envisions a vast number of trails, hiking trails, multi-use trails, bike lanes, and even paddling routes for the whole GTA.
It also provided a plethora of info, including the state of those routes (conceptual, planning, detailed design and/or construction) and assigns priorities based on said state as well as strategic value.
Here's the key map.
The link to the workbook this came from: Trail Strategy - Workbook (Nov 23, 2018).pdf
Over arching Report: Trail Strategy (Nov 23, 2018).pdf
This strategy is part wishlist, part planning exercise and very much a compelling argument for public funds.
It envisions a vast number of trails, hiking trails, multi-use trails, bike lanes, and even paddling routes for the whole GTA.
It also provided a plethora of info, including the state of those routes (conceptual, planning, detailed design and/or construction) and assigns priorities based on said state as well as strategic value.
Here's the key map.
The link to the workbook this came from: Trail Strategy - Workbook (Nov 23, 2018).pdf
Over arching Report: Trail Strategy (Nov 23, 2018).pdf