Not quite!
And frankly he's turned me and many off from reading certain threads. Time for him to take a time out.
Time out? Is this kindergarden? Very mature to ban someone without proper cause or warning then ignoring their plea to return. For someone so concerned with not offending people's feelings, you sure didn't give a ---- about mine!
Actually, I think that is enough now -- since he cannot respond -- it would not be a fair forum.
Yes, the most ethically tolerant forum around is apparently comprised of hypocrites who bash minorities who can't defend themselves :rolleyes . And they called me insensitive, hah!
And I think we need a break too.
Sorry to burst your bubble but since when did someone who came here to discuss transit related issues, got trashed on to no end yet still valued your opinions enough to keep posting here deserve to be ousted the way I was. It was very harsh and condescending considering I never would have imagined saying something like 'Jewtown' in the ilk of Chinatown, Koreatown, etc. was by any means offensive. Was it antisemetic or something? I don't know, no one gave me the benefit of the doubt, they just threw me out like trash and have only angered me beyond previous levels of anger >: >: >: ! Oops, were those the emoticons that upset Enviro?
Must've angered him too.
Christ when did transit enthusiasm become character assissination. Everytime I post it's like I have to defend myself. Why couldn't you all just except my flaws but at least
try to value my opinions, which by the looks of current events weren't that far off or transwank afterall. I hate that things had to end on this note when I thought my posts at least brought some humour and lightness to the forum which frankly lagged days on end sometimes without my input. Thank you all for being 100x more insensitive to me than I ever was to anyone of the Jewish faith, whom ironically I was advocating a new LRT line for through their community, whatever PC description you give it. Adieu :smokin :hat !