It this back-asswards. What use is phase two if phase three links the two?
Phase 3, if built as proposed would be extremely destructive environmentally. It would bisect a high quality wetland that is a source of drinking water and shelter for wildlife, including deer.
The hope is to find a way to push phase 3 to other side (west) of the river, running along land that is currently part of the Flemingdon golf course.
The golf course, despite being partially on public land, has been less than cooperative thus far.
This led to the idea of considering the east side solution, which aside from being destructive, is also more expensive than the original budget.
I would strongly oppose constructing the missing link on the east side of the River.
Both free floating segments still create new useful connections.
The East Don trail will continue from the Forks of the Don (Don Mills/DVP) to the Gatineau Hydro corridor and Bermondsey.
There is funding in place to building a connecting trail to Eglinton to the existing Gatineau Trail.
The northern section of trail would come south to Wigmore Park, providing a new east-side access to Sloane (Bermondsey).
Pending completion of connecting trail, one will still be able to use Sloane/Bermondsey as a connection.