What do you think of this project?

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"East Junction"...what a laugh, how pretentious. Next they'll rechristen 114 St. and Jasper Ave, "The Olive(r) Garden"
Oh some the real estate marketing types live for pretentious. How about the mercedes and the convertible in the picture too? Just a typical day in the neighbourhood, I guess.

I suppose it could be worse, it could be East Junction Heights.
Do these include utilities and parking? If not, those are insane prices compared to other stuff out there. Better be a lot nicer on the inside than the outside for those rents. I don’t see this location as being that desirable compared to where many other apartments get built.
buckle up - this is where rents will likely be going esp after seeing what is happening in calgary over the last ~18 months.
buckle up - this is where rents will likely be going esp after seeing what is happening in calgary over the last ~18 months.
Maybe for brand new apartments. Demand is much more decentralized here compared to Calgary and our supply has been keeping up.

Edit: I think being immediately adjacent to the LRT is how they're justifying higher rents here. The rents are pretty comparable to Procura's stuff at Century Park.
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buckle up - this is where rents will likely be going esp after seeing what is happening in calgary over the last ~18 months.
Real estate is local, but we are not immune to the tsunami of housing shortages across Canada. It was delayed because of the economic downturn from 2015 to 2020, but it will hit here eventually too, just look at what happened in places like Nova Scotia, which are also far from the center of the universe.
Real estate is local, but we are not immune to the tsunami of housing shortages across Canada. It was delayed because of the economic downturn from 2015 to 2020, but it will hit here eventually too, just look at what happened in places like Nova Scotia, which are also far from the center of the universe.
Nova Scotia got hit as hard as it did because its real estate market is tiny. Edmonton is way larger and our rental market has plenty of slack - we can absorb a lot of newcomers.
Real estate is local, but we are not immune to the tsunami of housing shortages across Canada. It was delayed because of the economic downturn from 2015 to 2020, but it will hit here eventually too, just look at what happened in places like Nova Scotia, which are also far from the center of the universe.
Halifax is also a great city and very attractive for Toronto people. Many people in the GTA come from the Atlantic for work and many cashed out over covid to work remote in places like Nova Scotia to be close to family and the ocean. We wont see the same, although we are obviously getting some Van/tor spillover.

I just think this product is more like a 121 west, which was cheaper than this. Augustana is priced like this, but is much nicer and I’d imagine a better location in most people’s mind.
Nova Scotia got hit as hard as it did because its real estate market is tiny. Edmonton is way larger and our rental market has plenty of slack - we can absorb a lot of newcomers.
Yes, we can absorb more than a smaller city, but also remember the higher priced cities people are leaving are twice as large to five times our size.

This is why Calgary is now having trouble absorbing the newcomers (or at least why rents are going up a lot there).
