I disagree there is a lot of pressure. In lobbying La Salle directly about this asset and letting them know what other owners are doing in the area, they do not seem very motivated to do anything too drastic in the short to medium term, unless the Downtown market changes significantly and office workers come back.
They have 1.4m square feet of real estate, most of which is in two office towers that are 90% leased, and parkades that are about 50% used during the week, more on events nights. You could say the 300k in retail space is maybe 40% leased? To me this means there's not a lot of reason to move ahead with redevelopment plans. It's not like the majority of their space is empty. They are sensitive and are genuinely trying to come up with some shorter term ideas for the retail, as well have heavily invested in security, but that's just a part of their overall asset.