What do you think of this project?

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If the office tower does go ahead, I would be alright with that height as it will still affect the vertical and affect its parameter significantly. If a second hotel is ready to be realized, I'd preferred that to be directly across from Qualico's current rental construction (block J north east portion). Hotel/specialized rentals with ensuite for weekly of short monthly rentals for temporarily stationed workers etc. Anything directly adjacent to the arena shouldn't have to be super tall and 14-18 floors would suffice there. Further to that, it would pull in Epcor, CN and the currently construction that is ongoing as completely part of the core pushing the downtown's core up northward.
@IanO, funny enough I was at the game yesterday and snapped a shot on the way out. Totally agree, the plaza came together excellently and ICE District (at least when it's busy) feels like a very happening place and a truly "high-urban" environment akin to something you might see in Toronto or Montreal. Actually, having been to both Maple Leaf Garden / Jurassic Park and the plaza just outside Centre Bell, I have to say ICE Plaza meets or exceeds them in terms of vibes. The lighting is beautiful.

