What do you think of this project?

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Really hope this location is a huge success and can spur more retailers to take a chance downtown—even if it's just in Ice District for now. What kind of CRU space is still available over there? Are there any along 104 under Ford Hall or is that all back-of-house stuff?
There is already a scramble cross walk at 103 and 103 for the ID. I don't get why they put it there when you are free to cross 103st on the north side of 103rd Ave, as there's no thru traffic.

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There is already a scramble cross walk at 103 and 103 for the ID. I don't get why they put it there when you are free to cross 103st on the north side of 103rd Ave, as there's no thru traffic.

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If you’ve cross there after events/games, you know how crazy packed that intersections gets. I’m assuming the scramble just helps to block off the entire intersection for the pedestrian cycle. Let’s people know they can use the entire intersection.
Any new residential tower there will need to be 35-45+ storeys and likely 400 units to make economic sense, but as per the zone, they could go upwards of 55-60.


Bylaw 15489

January 18, 2011

1. General Purpose

The purpose of this Zone is to provide for a vibrant mixed-Use district that will accommodate a multi-purpose sports and entertainment complex complemented by a variety of entertainment, retail, service, office, institutional and Residential Uses that will strengthen the Downtown Core as a regional destination point. The area will be characterized by an accessible, pedestrian-friendly street environment, innovative signage, iconic architecture and exceptional urban design to create a strong sense of place in the Downtown Core and an exciting new image for Edmonton.

The maximum building Height shall be as follows and in accordance with Section 52:

  1. 180 m for land north of 104 Avenue NW;
  2. 195 m for land south of 104 Avenue NW; and

4. Development Regulations for Permitted and Discretionary Uses

The Development Officer shall ensure that new developments and major renovations reflect the Urban Design Policies of the Capital City Downtown Plan and the following Regulations. Where a conflict arises, the AED zoning regulations shall prevail.

The following regulations shall apply to all Permitted and Discretionary Uses:

  1. Floor Area Ratio
  1. The maximum Floor Area Ratio (FAR) shall be 12.0.
Charter Bylaw 18967

August 26, 2019

  1. Notwithstanding the above, Hotels and Multi-unit Housing shall be allowed an additional Floor Area Ratio of 4.0 where the Development Officer is satisfied that new developments fit within the urban context of the area and that adverse environmental impacts such as sun shadow and wind are minimized.

I recall a variety of options for height with their early tower proposals and would be curious to know if they built capacity in for more.
You are right, Ian, there were number of discussions re height and what might be allowed. In the end an ICE spokesperson -- I believe it was someone from Dialog -- stated that the soil conditions for the third tower were significantly poorer than the condition for the Hotel Tower and Stantec's Tower and that the reason for the reduction in height from 50-some storeys to 44 was entirely due to soil conditions. Whether that was true or not, the tower footing design proceeded with an allowance for a 44-storey tower and that is what is there presently. The Dialog design, then, for a residential tower took that height restriction into account. As you know the column structure is currently set in place as well, further limiting what the tower can show from a design perspective. The Dialog aesthetic that was presented pre CWB office tower scheme was sorely lacking in my opinion (there was one previously proposed that was a whole lot better. I have added the Good, the Bad here as a reminder -- I sure hope we are not awaiting the Ugly.
The Good (with the new height restriction of 44 floors):
Screen Shot 2024-01-11 at 11.15.01 AM.png

The Bad (did Dialog give this to a newbie to design?):
Screen Shot 2024-01-11 at 11.15.44 AM.png

And the one that got away (58 Floors designed by Hariri Pontarini firm):
Screen Shot 2024-01-11 at 11.16.55 AM.png
Further there are some rumblings that the new tower design might be incorporated in a 2-tower proposal incorporating the ICE land on 104th Street -- I am hopeful that that is what @Greenspace is referencing -- that would be something with a whole lot of potential, particularly if the towers were conjoined by an upper-storey pedway. It would be doubly exciting if the design was handed back to Hariri Pontarini.
The full Soils Report is available on this thread from a post by @Daveography -- March 7, 2019 if you care to read it. It basically boils down to a large amount of fill under tower B that didn't exist under the Hotel tower and the Stantec tower, both of which had a more substantial clay base. This could have been mitigated with a different footing design for tower B but that effort was not undertaken and so now the world has to live with a design that maxes out a 44 storeys.
