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I've been wondering if this tower and the Clancey will both get built, or if they do with in a couple years. I would bet if one gets a head start the other might be delayed. I know its not my money, but if It was me I would be looking at completing the tower on this project unless it was way too much of a gamble. Sleeping on it till the market is good looking for a home run, might leave the door open for the competition to sneak in and make that impossible.
Just a random thought, but would anyone here prefer if no tower was built and we just had the podium here? Especially if the tower design is a little sub par?
Given the parkade is built and podium is under construction and both designed to host a tower - it is inevitable one will be built. Those sunk costs need to be recovered sooner than later. It may be that WAM and Katz are not the developer of the tower and simply sell the rights of access etc. to another party. And why not?
One thing is that the pictures don't do the podium justice size wise, its smaller then the original render. But will defiantly give that section of 103ave a different feel, by filling that hole that's been there for the last 2 1/2 years since the parkade was finished. (Not that I've been counting 😏)

I'm hoping that they do build the tower, maybe start it as the podium is nearly complete? Cause once the podium is complete and occupied it will add another hurdle to building the tower, mainly the first few floors. And I'd imaging some kind of hording would be required to protect the public when entering the north side of the podium.
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One thing is that the pictures don't do the podium justice size wise, its smaller then the original render. But will defiantly give that section of 103ave a different feel, by filling that hole that's been there for the last 2 1/2 years since the parkade was finished. (Not that I've been counting 😏)

I'm hoping that they do build the tower, maybe start it as the podium is nearly complete? Cause once the podium is complete and occupied it will add another hurdle to building the tower, mainly the first few floors. Living with in proximity of the Encore and now this construction site, I can tell you that there defiantly is noise through out the day that would get old quickly trying to work a regular job. And I'd imaging some kind of hording would be required to protect the public when entering the north side of the podium.
If the current design of the tower is to be built, I absolutely would not want it to move forward. The current building (or podium if you want to call it that) being built is turning out to have enough of an impact at street level that I'd be happy with no tower at all or like I said, stalled long enough for a better redesign.

We don't need that crap in such a prominent location.
If the current design of the tower is to be built, I absolutely would not want it to move forward. The current building (or podium if you want to call it that) being built is turning out to have enough of an impact at street level that I'd be happy with no tower at all or like I said, stalled long enough for a better redesign.

We don't need that crap in such a prominent location.

I agree to some extent, on the other hand unless this building gets changed back to condos I don’t see them changing the design IMO. And with condo projects on hold, canceled, or converted to rental quite a bit recently I don’t see that happening. I think if they changed the colouring to something like the CNIB or 9955 Jasper it would make a world of Difference.
One thing is that the pictures don't do the podium justice size wise, its smaller then the original render.

How do you figure it's smaller? I think there's quite a bit more steel coming once the concrete portion is done.
How do you figure it's smaller? I think there's quite a bit more steel coming once the concrete portion is done.

Sorry Dave, I was referring to the reduction from a three story podium to a two story if I remember correctly. The overall foot print remains the same.
