What do you think of this project?

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If it wasn't for the arena and JW Marriott this effort would be a complete bust.

If it wasn't for the arena and the JW Marriot this wouldn't be the Ice District my guy.
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If it wasn't for the arena and the JW Marriot this wouldn't be the Ice District my guy.
I prefer to think of it as the "Ice Cube" since "district" is a little disingenuous. And, as long as we keep excusing poor Planning and poor Design in Edmonton without calling them out, then why expect any better than what is being offered. The whole Skyrise site, if I am not mistaken, is meant to be a critique platform (or at least partly so) to catch the Goochs and the Manchesters to help bring an understanding of how Edmonton might be improved -- otherwise why bother. Don't know about you @Platinum107, but I need to keep demanding better (and the goal should be evident in your chosen ID moniker). I know you agree with me.
There is rarely consensus on support for any project. I don’t think anyone should believe that their personal feelings on any project are the ”correct” ones. I personally have no reason for/interest in ever visiting the ice district except to attend arena events. However, that being said, it’s definitely providing a new to Edmonton product that will appeal to many. Although its not for me, I think it’s a great addition.

This is in our CBD. What unique retailers can be expected during a pandemic, with probably some of the highest lease rates(?) in the city. This is still a neighbourhood in its infancy. Surrounded by an unloved mall, empty investor owned condos, and hundreds of people lined up at social agencies. If the leases are 10 years like you say, that’s nothing. This neighbourhood is basically working against a trend of suburban malls, single family, and big box development that has been accelerating since the 50s. 10 years will go by in a flash, and I don’t think it’s realistic to think we will have more than 2 additional buildings in the ice district put up during that time. (Barring some unexpected boom).

Hopefully This Loblaws will be able to convert a lot of car traffic into foot traffic for a quick injection of life into the area that’s desperately needed without the arena being fully operational.
All true @Mattyeg except that (if you follow retail trends) suburban malls and big box stores are in severe decline throughout North America; likewise single family homes are giving way to central core condos and apartments -- these are the new trends. My comments re the Ice District are critiques wanting to see improvements such that banks do not become the prime tenants in the "best" retail locations. If you prefer the latest version of the Ice District over that which was originally proposed with dine-in theatres, roof-top public parks and exceptional eateries and retail venues that, too, is your prerogative -- I see it as a decline in possibilities.
There is rarely consensus on support for any project
That does not mean that we have to sit back and blandly and blindly accept mediocrity as a standard -- the "good enough for Edmonton" meme. I do not accept anything that I state as "the correct one" but I do have an opinion and I feel quite free to express it here -- otherwise, what is the point!
Very true. I don't see this as the entertainment district it was originally planned or billed to the public as.

Such a "district" would have multiple forms of entertainment that are either a) unique in the city, or b) the best in the city.
A hockey rink with a drug store, three banks and a Canadian Brewhouse is neither a district nor especially entertaining.

Not that it isn't a net positive or a huge win for downtown, just that the vision doesn't match the execution.
It's going to be a while before the district can host any arena events and it's never had an opportunity to host any outdoor public events in the plaza.
I look forward to those times and hopefully some interest and momentum can start to build.
For instance, next year at this time when current construction is done, we will be hosting World Juniors again, there will be ice in the plaza, the hotel will be full of players and fans, restaurants all open again, hockey games playing on the big screen and outdoor programming planned in plaza etc - then some interest and momentum can start to build perhaps. Plus the new lrt line will be in operation with a stop just a block or two away.
I suppose this is not the first time ever a development has not lived up to its hype. Probably a lot of reasons for that, but in part, the choice is ultimately up to tenants if they want to take space or not. So the banks and drug store said yes, while the theatre did not or backed out. So we will have to make due with a bar and a public plaza for the entertainment part of the development. Less than what it could have been, yes, but I suppose better than a 40 year old bus station and several surface parking lots.
All true @Mattyeg except that (if you follow retail trends) suburban malls and big box stores are in severe decline throughout North America; likewise single family homes are giving way to central core condos and apartments -- these are the new trends. My comments re the Ice District are critiques wanting to see improvements such that banks do not become the prime tenants in the "best" retail locations. If you prefer the latest version of the Ice District over that which was originally proposed with dine-in theatres, roof-top public parks and exceptional eateries and retail venues that, too, is your prerogative -- I see it as a decline in possibilities.

That does not mean that we have to sit back and blandly and blindly accept mediocrity as a standard -- the "good enough for Edmonton" meme. I do not accept anything that I state as "the correct one" but I do have an opinion and I feel quite free to express it here -- otherwise, what is the point!

This development had so much more potential with what was promised compared to what has been executed so far. Sure, you can say exogenous factors such as economics or partners (Cineplex) have affected this but if the end goal is still to attract people to the "entertainment" aspect, I am no more willing to visit the district to go to a TD, Starbucks, or whatever basic, non-unique retail than I was to go to the area before. If the vision was executed and there were unique factors such as something similar to a Top Golf, a bowling alley or anything entertaining that the comparables we were sold on like LA Live have then maybe we could sit back and say "wow, this has turned out quite well". But it is completely ok to say that hasn't happened and we expect more, because quite frankly we did.

For those of you that are Oilers fans, or sports fans in general, when the Oilers finished 30th year over year while being promised a playoff contending team, a 28th place finish the next year while being an improvement was still unacceptable to fans. In the perspective of Edmonton developments, we've had 30th place developments for much longer than deserved. While the ice district is certainly a step up from our 30th place developments, it misses the playoffs again in my opinion and we have every right to expect the type of quality developments seen in Toronto, Montreal, Calgary or Vancouver. Ironically, both the Oilers and the development promises have come from the same individual...but that's for another day.
I think the dramatic change in the local economy between the time the project was first proposed and tenants occupied the space was also a big factor in how this turned out. Perhaps eventually there will be more entertainment focused tenants in this area.
I wonder what the outcome would have been if Rogers Place is at the same stage as the one for Calgary's new arena. Perhaps the likely scenario would be a half-assed version with Ford Hall removed? Katz seem to be lucked out on the timing of this whole deal.
@archited I was just kinda joking around by saying that, should've added more to the conversation I guess. I agree, we don't need a new RBC or TD or Scotiabank on every corner of the Ice District. I really hope that things pan out alright here in the end :confused:
