Senior Member
I don't want to be rude, but this is such a typical north-american-big-box mentality... As long as the store is clean, well maintained, well stocked and caters to the right public, it should be enough. I don't understand why people here think that we need to have a massive grocery store, with every single brand and option for every single different product, with endless stock of them.If Urban means cramped like mom and pap stored then yes as both Sobeys and this are the same.
This store is just fine, serves what it is intended to do, and being accessible by rail and pedways makes it very convenient not only for people downtown. I would've loved to have this store open in my first winter here, because I'd rather take the 15-20 min LRT ride to the university area than walk the 15 minutes in the dead of winter to Safeway, with minus 20, 30 degrees outside.