I'm ok with this being demo'd too. Not ok with the parking lot, but if there's a development clause in the permit then I can live with it. I just hope it's a neat looking parking lot that's paved with adequate lighting
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Grand Villa really needs that parking lot. They're hurting badly without it.
Why? There is parking underneath it and in the parkade across the street and in the lot next to the community rink. Are people that lazy they can't walk 50 feet?

Still saucy from seeing the garbage tower B proposal again.
You may have missed it, but they scaled back their days of operation from 7 days a week to just 4. They laid off 50 workers. They also scaled back their hours from being open 'til 3am to being open until midnight or 1am.

Walk in there on a non-game night (if they're open) and there's a good chance that it'll be dead inside. Something is not working.
Wow. That's disappointing. .... kind of strange to hear myself say that actually. It's like I'm wishing there were more gambling addicts in our city. sigh. ?
I doubt that gambling is in decline @Stevey_G -- it is just that this location has been fairly isolated downtown (except on days when there are major goings-on at the arena next door). But now with hotels and condos and apartments connected by pedway, I expect their business will surge. They will probably rehire and expand their hours once again. Some studies show that, when the economy is depressed, gambling increases.
