This property is really going to the dogs...

Reference ID: Job No 379452571-002
Description: To construct exterior alterations (outdoor dog park)
Location: 10104 - 104 AVENUE NW
Plan 1425251 Blk 9E Lot 7
Applicant: IBI GROUP
Status: Intake Review
Create Date: 11/27/2020 4:00:10 PM
Neighbourhood: DOWNTOWN
This a odd location for a dog park is it not?
it's kitty-corner to the marriott as well as sky and legends, all of which are "pet friendly" so it's probably an area amenity that would get immediate use.

it's probably also meant to be something that can be incorporated in the long-term development of that block as well as the long term upgrading of the pedestrian experience from that intersection north to the a macdonald building and future development north of 105 avenue.
