David, because it was never planned for in the first place, the cost of putting a roof over Commonwealth Stadium would actually far exceed the cost of building a new stadium. There is plenty of room downtown for a new stadium and if it were sunken into the ground (as many new stadia are today) it could have street-facing retail and as I mentioned before it could support high-rise structures in the corners of the chosen site so that it would be an integrated complex even "tighter" than what was developed for the ICE District build-out. And with all of the potential venues that could be accommodated under one roof -- well let's say this -- cost is one thing but revenue is another -- the revenue potential of a new stadium in close proximity to the ICE District would easily meet the billions of dollars mark in very short order. If the Province were enticed to provide $300+ Million for basic site infrastructure (land assembly, demolition of existing buildings, and utility reconfiguration and upgrades) as a match to what is promised to Calgary then the cost becomes manageable with a similar financial arrangement (CRL) between City and Developer. ICE District draws a ton of people downtown (mostly in the winter and from October through June); imagine if a stadium added to that from May through November (new sports franchises). There is much, much more to say but God knows too many words leads to ennui.