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I will die on the hill that the fact we don’t have on singular cafe or restaurant on the water along the river bank is mental, but even worse is there are A LOT of folks who think it should be a crime to even suggest something like that. All I ask for is one. Keep the whole rest of the river valley naturalized and as is.

One of the Rossdale pumphouses should have been immediately started to be retrofitted to a food service space upon decommissioning. Would have instantly become one of Edmonton’s best tourist attractions, especially with it situated adjacent to the new Walterdale, but alas, there is no vision or risk taking allowed for this City Council/admin nor the previous.
We are a very tourist unfriendly city at times. The approach we often take seems Soviet and then we wonder why we get poor reviews from people visiting. For City Council and Edmonton in general, tourism is generally an after thought.
We are a very tourist unfriendly city at times. The approach we often take seems Soviet and then we wonder why we get poor reviews from people visiting. For City Council and Edmonton in general, tourism is generally an after thought.
I'll take that one step further by saying business / commerce in general is an afterthought in this city and Edmonton is a very unfriendly business city. You want tourists to come to the city or specifically in the context of the conversation for the water front? Then you need things to attract them such as breweries, cafes, local restaurants, maybe a museum or arts facilities. To do that, you need to remove or reduce barriers or work with partners to attract those types of business. This city has demonstrated for quite some time and most recently with the gondola that there is no appetite for reducing barriers or working with partners to find solutions forward.
Lamb Development Corp. Brad got his addresses mixed up.
Sometimes the universe really does sort things out in the end. Lamb who barged in and grabbed a name already in use has skulked back to TO and the original Jasper House seems to be proceeding towards making an impressive addition.
I don't mind the white panels -- augments the white on the corner 'neath the sculpture. Also breaks up that expressed (annoying) horizontal floor slab.
