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Spotted downtown


Really curious what $300k gets you in this market.
I have heard that the Mackenzie Tower has been ether canceled or put on hold due to not enough interest in the condo portion of the building. I'll let everyone know when I have more information on this project.
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Wow if true. I thought there would be a lot of interest for this.

Seems like a rash decision given the amount of time they have been on sale. Perhaps they spent all their money on marketing.
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Condo sales for the MacKenzie Tower did not go well, and my understanding is that Groupe Germain is exercising their option to walk away. Westrich Pacific may be sniffing around the site.
I'm guessing they were hoping for more pre-sales? What would be a 'good' benchmark for initial sales? I imagine they had internal targets and failed to meet them. I'd be curious to know what they were. Sign that the market is saturated? Wonder how Falcon is doing.
That's a shame. I was hoping to see this get built. One of the better proposals in my opinion. Hopefully they just put a hold on until sales pick up.
