^$$$$ for a relatively innocuous crossing.

I'd love to see a very minimal station, just a platform really, just east of 96st to serve those areas and in particular Little Italy.
I'd like to see a stop on the east side of 95th Street as a stop at 96th would require the portal to be reconfigured (and I'd rather see it extended under 95th Street and exit east of the street if it were to be altered).
Stadium is now the start of my morning commute, so for the last month I've been up there catching the 5:23 train southbound. I was pleasantly surprised (and a little flustered, because the thing was a couple minutes earlier than expected, too) to see the train pull into the West track (the proper Southbound track) as opposed to the East track where trains had been single-tracking.
It was kinda wild to step into the train, cross over to the other door (which stayed closed) and see another platform. The new platform isn't done yet; a lot of the precast platforms are in place, but there are still gaps, no access ramps, and no caulking in the joints yet, I think we have a bit of a wait still for that to open. But the train is slowly taking shape! The roof forms are starting to be clad, and the public access ramps on the north end of the station are mostly in place.
I took these pictures last week. It is really tough to try and choose "just" 15 pictures!

Not quite, it is slated to open next summer I believe.
I think you meant It'll be completed by next summer, or will the station close for a period of time?
I highly doubt there will be any big openings with the station prior to August 6. the Northbound track is gone, the bed keeps getting dug out deeper and deeper (i thought it had already been replaced?!) and the side platform is still basically a skeleton, although it is getting entrance ramps right now, slowly but surely. the entrance ramps are in place, but only exit to the West, towards the stadium (due to NB track replacement) so yeah. that might be new to some people, that you can NOT exit via the underpass anymore, and have to use the ramps, but aside from that, the Elks will be opening with a very much in-progress station. it's gonna be squishy.
