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(photo credit: Sportsnet)
On my way home from the airport this morning, I took a detour to get a quick shot of Stantec. From about 1/2 Km south of 41 Ave S.W. The urban sprawl in the foreground is Callaghan, I believe. Next time I will attempt a manual focus on Stantec and keep the foreground less focused. It's a shame that the suburbs keep on swallowing up prime farmland. It might make more sense to establish a prominent green belt around the city, (with exceptions for TOD corridors) , and bolster growth of infill neighborhoods/downtown.

AIrport trip 7AM 2018-12-19 013.JPG

AIrport trip 7AM 2018-12-19 013.JPGAIrport trip 7AM 2018-12-19 009.JPGAIrport trip 7AM 2018-12-19 004.JPG
@Kaizen -- I didn't see you wade in on the Gentlemen's bets for start of the 'B' (same category; different thread -- look up... way up). Poor 'B' -- it has been battered and belittled and diminished and writ inconsequential. Nobody seems to have any good information on where it stands in terms of forward progress. First there was a grocery store and then there wasn't and then there was. Once upon a time there was supposed to be a theatre complex that appealed to the gentrified class with in-seat alcohol service -- that turned out to be a sot's dream. Then there was going to be a well-manicured and thought-provoking ornamental roof garden -- latest downsize to a grow-your-own food collection of garden plots. At one-time 'B' was going to be in the realm height-wise of the Marriott edifice then it got sliced down by about ten floors under the premise that the bearing soil was insufficient structurally to take any more than that.
It wouldn't surprise me if next there was a diving tower that enabled the fearless to dive into a shallow pool located in the plaza space. I would like to see a roof-top carousel and a Ferris wheel; an enigma-puzzle-tower with trained monkeys scaling the climbable parts; and an old-time freak-show that specializes in a tower that can change like a chameleon and an architectural entourage that can disappear at a whim's notice while ever cheapening its design focus.
@archited , I'll wander over to the Gentlemen's bet thread and take my chances.
It's as if "No news is good news", as just about every mention of Tower "Been" over the past couple of years has been disappointing. I'd take that Ferris Wheel over the dive tower as I suspect the shallow pool might have to double as the public washrooms...
Anyone have any updated photos? With Rogersplace camera's being down since December 21, i'm itching to see the current status of Western Canada's tallest.
Thanks in advance.
I most likely will be downtown on weekend and will try to get some pics. Maybe Sunday night and will try to catch the Blood ? moon eclipse & skyline. Hope it's a clear night.

Sounds great I look forward to seeing your work :).

I intend on catching it as well, but I won't have any city scapes in the background, perhaps a lake and a mountain range though, we'll see how clear it is.
