What do you think of this project?

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@Daveography These photos are incredible. It really gives a perspective on the winter time in our city.
HAHAHAHA. It is kinda hard to believe that in just one decade all this happened:p.
I see Edmonton downtown is finally putting up at least a fight against Calgary's downtown:D:D On a serious note guys, congrats on getting the tallest building outside of Toronto and an even bigger CONGRATS for getting your very own supertall. You guys are making us proud, representing Wild Rose Country. Don't worry we'll catch up to you soon though;)
And right after I post that, I get this:

Proposed rezoning Downtown to allow for digital signs on Stantec Tower
November 30, 2018

Edmontonians are invited to a drop-in engagement session to share their thoughts about proposed changes to the Downtown Arena Entertainment District (AED) zone regulations to allow for digital signs that could display advertising on top of Stantec Tower at 10223 103 Street.

Date: Thursday, December 6
Time: 5 – 7 p.m. (drop-in, no scheduled presentation)
Location: Stantec Tower Lobby, 10220 103 Avenue

The session is an opportunity to learn more about the application and provide your feedback to the City and applicant. Input will be used to inform discussions with the applicant about potential revisions to the proposed zoning changes. Feedback will be summarized in a report to City Council should the proposed zoning changes proceed to Public Hearing for a decision.

For more information:
edmonton.ca/downtown http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001ssLB...MT_-uiSz0wUwx6BFAOrpJSVKpPzNtdGo6bcgDQovcfQ==> Planning Applications

Media contact:
Karen Burgess
Communications Advisor
Urban Form & Corporate Strategic Development

Lisa Sobchyshyn
Communications Advisor
Urban Form & Corporate Strategic Development
We just might be able to see the Ice District from Red Deer now :cool: if this goes through.
I think it fits the district.
Loud, bright, somewhat tacky, but hopefully in a good way.
I'm going to try to make it to the presentation on Dec 6th.
WOW. That is so cool! In my opinion, lighting like this on buildings really helps create a fun and exciting atmosphere downtown, which attracts more people.
