What do you think of this project?

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Yeah, maybe a pyramid in the middle would provide a tie in between this older style building and all the modern glass towers next to it.

I think it is actually a nice building, but sort of seems out of place where it is.
Yeah, maybe a pyramid in the middle would provide a tie in between this older style building and all the modern glass towers next to it.

I think it is actually a nice building, but sort of seems out of place where it is.

The last render is pretty modern, lots of brick and clean square lines. I think the initial arches at the bottom portion were removed early on.

I rather have greenspace than a concrete plaza with a Pyramid in the middle...

Seems like a really weird flex. Every car in the rendering is a sports car, the use of the terms: Spectacular, impressive, state of the art. I feel like Pro Cura might be reaching for a market that doesn't really exist in Edmonton. This feels like it belongs in London. Actually this project would do great in London. I think it needs some work for our Edmonton market.
Oh developer marketing pictures and reality ... There are always a lot of tall healthy trees, lots of people out walking on a nice summer looking day and in this case they decided to really go for it and have every car as a new sports car.

One can at least hope the building turns out as good as or better than the pictures, I suppose that is the most important part.

I don't want to dismiss or diminish our market as not being capable to support nicer developments. I would like to see more. No we are not London, but I don't think that means we can't have some nicer more upscale projects too. However, Edmonton money tends to be not as flashy or obvious as in some places, so perhaps the expensive sports cars part is a bit off.
Went past today and I have to agree with some of the previous comments.

Aside from the (insultingly) stupid name, it's coming along much better than I expected on a lot of fronts. The form of the building and the exterior finishes are looking quite good.
