New Member
@bonk Given the animosity generated just going through this process, I cannot fathom the hit their reputation in this city would take if this was a bait-and-switch on their part. They have a lot to lose on that front, since - as far as I can tell - this city is the only one in which they do business.
So I believe their intent is genuine. Their capacity, however, that remains to be seen.
That's true. The front page story says they've been acquiring the lands for half a century, so it's not a quick grab-and-dash whatever happens. However I think all developers oversell in renderings, with spaces looking massive and tons of tiny people enjoying the development. Alldritt never promised a 280 m tower, and as far as I know, never called it that. They just never corrected others who did.
If their plans are a lot less than what's shown, I would expect a few things;
1) a shift in news items away from it being "the definitely 80-storey tower", to something like "up to 80 storeys, though the final height is yet to be confirmed".
2) Alldritt might show an alternative design that's not quite 280 m, then later another, until they have a set of alternatives with a wide range of potential heights with varying public areas.
3) Alldritt could simply begin development and state that after doing some digging, they conclude that a shorter tower is more feasible after all (even if it was so all along). Let the people who had assumed that "maximum of 280 m" means "no less than 280 m", also assume that their dream tower was killed by geography.
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