What do you think of this project?

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Indeed, I've got my eyes glued to this project. I had a spaz attack when I noticed the Emporis listing changed. It doesn't help that the database uses the same colour (yellow) for both "Vision" and "Cancelled". Labelling it a "vision" is far more encouraging.
Fingers are seriously crossed that:
a) this goes through
And (b) it stays the same height. Would be super cool to have this in our downtown!
This project is not dead!

The applicant is revising their approved DC2 zoning to account for an altered design based on wind studies. The tower needed to be thickened in order to reduce sway from wind. The tower height is not being changed (still 280m, less than 700 residential units and around 250 hotel and apartment hotel units).

The new conceptual design is more rectangular, with a more 'tiered' tower structure. The design isn't as unique, but should still be striking if the appropriate amount of glazing and materials are used (the concept just shows massing).
This project is not dead!

The applicant is revising their approved DC2 zoning to account for an altered design based on wind studies. The tower needed to be thickened in order to reduce sway from wind. The tower height is not being changed (still 280m, less than 700 residential units and around 250 hotel and apartment hotel units).

The new conceptual design is more rectangular, with a more 'tiered' tower structure. The design isn't as unique, but should still be striking if the appropriate amount of glazing and materials are used (the concept just shows massing).

? I don't believe you tell me more though.
? I don't believe you tell me more though.


Huh, well I'm not really sure how to feel about that. It definitely is just the massing they're showing here that's for sure, but I really and I mean really hope that those are not solid blocks of concrete going up the tower :oops:. I don't mind the way that the tower looks, but I'm not making any opinions until the actual renderings come out

Thank you @Nosirrah for sharing this!
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I like this sketch although the developer has to be really careful with the design of the building. The impact on the skyline will be like nothing else before it. The location , height and size of the structure can make or break the skyline forever especially from the east and south views. They can't go cheap with this either. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for sharing, @Nosirrah.I don't hate the massing in the slightest. I honestly really do like the almost pseudo-Art Deco wedding cake tiers thing its got going on.
Yes! That's the very first thing that came to my mind as well. Pseudo Art Deco, plus Encore on steroids.

This will be stunning - and can I just point out how happy I am that we're FINALLY getting a tall tower with a North-South face? Looking forward to the city making more of an impact from the south.

Someone needs to tell Emporis this development is not just an "unbuilt vision".
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