What do you think of this project?

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Not sure if this is controversial but I am starting to feel that I hope this tower ends up being much shorter than initially proposed. I hope something gets built, and that they can keep the interesting podium/valley interaction., but not sure if the height would be a net positive. 🙃
Hopefully they build it at the original height, but I totally agree with you. It just doesn't feel like it's gonna be built at the orginal height. Similar to the tower behind Hotel Macdonald.
The sales centre will likely be an outfitted trailer moved onto the site north of the Russian Orthodox Cathedral so I doubt one will see it as a normal building permit. Once the sales centre is in place that event will coincide with a development permit for a specific project with renderings, floor plans, and elevations. As I mentioned before, because the below-ground elements of this project are so significant, I would expect to see a building permit for foundations to be applied for in advance of a full-on building permit. Caveat -- no one from Alldritt has suggested to me that this will be the methodology going forward -- it just makes sense.to me and if I were the project architect it is what I would be pushing for several reasons: 1. cachet -- it verifies at the outset that the project is real and that the developers are serious, 2. it breaks out a more manageable project phase separate from the total, 3. it allows for an earlier start, and 4. it consumes media attention.
the sales centre might be possible concurrent with a dp application but a footings and foundation permit can’t be issued prior to the dp being approved and issued. having said that, i agree that the permitting is likely to be sequential.
The sales centre will likely be an outfitted trailer moved onto the site north of the Russian Orthodox Cathedral so I doubt one will see it as a normal building permit. Once the sales centre is in place that event will coincide with a development permit for a specific project with renderings, floor plans, and elevations. As I mentioned before, because the below-ground elements of this project are so significant, I would expect to see a building permit for foundations to be applied for in advance of a full-on building permit. Caveat -- no one from Alldritt has suggested to me that this will be the methodology going forward -- it just makes sense.to me and if I were the project architect it is what I would be pushing for several reasons: 1. cachet -- it verifies at the outset that the project is real and that the developers are serious, 2. it breaks out a more manageable project phase separate from the total, 3. it allows for an earlier start, and 4. it consumes media attention.
Good points. Ironically, I think the initial ambitiousness of the project made people a bit more skeptical that it would go ahead. However, if people can be shown it is real and happening, this could get it a lot of attention, interest and maybe even excitement, so totally turn the previous perceptions around.
or one might say that of all the buildings real or proposed, this tower with it's particularly small floor plates, it's uses, and its height would make the least sense for an observation area/deck given the dedicated/lost space required for things like elevators and exiting etc. that would be needed to make it work. the space required for the observation area/deck is probably only a fraction of the overall useable/saleable space that would be lost to incorporate it.

There's gotta be some way to possibly make an observation deck work! I mean, how do other towers around the world manage to do it?
There's gotta be some way to possibly make an observation deck work! I mean, how do other towers around the world manage to do it?
Exactly. Elevators to the top would be required regardless. It wouldn't be the Empire State building attracting quite as many visitors, so the the capacity could probably be lower.
The potential for this tower is incredible. As a fan though I think about the access to the river valley, the patio opportunities right on the bank of the valley, the possibility to add a tower with some curves (I know we have some but a signature tower of this height would be special). An observation deck/restaurant would be a incredible addition to our city (albeit certainly not make or break).
(Hey Psst -- can you keep a secret) Alldritt owns the land north of the Russian Orthodox Cathedral abutting the south side of Jasper Avenue on 96th Street. Here they will be building their "presentation center" for the 80-storey tower; they also own the parking lot south of of the ROC which will provide parking for those checking out the "presentation center". I'll stake my reputation on this happening soon...

Work begins on their sales centres...

Sooo with the March 20th date that was referenced fast approaching and @archited staking his reputation, I am curious if we will be seeing movement on this project this month. Any guesses or updates?
I predict they unveil a reduced-height 12 storey fence on which they will advertise construction that will never materialize while reserving space for election signage supporting the absolute worst candidate in future elections.

As this is a hot take I bet nothing and will humbly concede my position if proven otherwise.
^^^^ Buckle up!
I predict they unveil a reduced-height 12 storey fence on which they will advertise construction that will never materialize while reserving space for election signage supporting the absolute worst candidate in future elections.

As this is a hot take I bet nothing and will humbly concede my position if proven otherwise.
I suppose that fence would count as construction. Also, maybe next time they will be smarter in the candidates they support.

It probably doesn't help the project move ahead if the candidates they support aren't elected, but maybe they spread the money around and hedged their bets some.

Despite all my cynicism, I would still like to believe this will go ahead too. It could be a great project for the company, its legacy and for the city.
