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Would an 80-storey tower spur more development in The Quarters?
An ambitious plan to build what would be Edmonton's tallest building on a parcel of land overlooking the river valley goes to a city council public hearing Monday.

The 80-storey, 280-metre tall Quarters Hotel and Residences would tower over Jasper Avenue and Grierson Hill, bordered on the west by the Shaw Conference Centre and on the east by 96th Street.

Coun. Scott McKeen, whose Ward 6 encompasses the downtown, says he hasn't made up his mind about whether he'll support the proposal.

He's heard from some people who love it, and others who are opposed.

They're still calling it "The 80-storey, 280-metre tall" building, with no confirmation at all that I'm aware of, of any commitment or even intention to actually build to that maximum height. I fear someone will be duped into making a decision, and say "The benefits of having an 80-story building with a commitment to preserve the view outweigh the negatives associated with this deal."

Then later, from developers: "We have determined that an 80-story building is economically infeasible on this property. We have decided that a 1-story strip-mall is more reasonable. The commitment to preserve the public space and the view, which was a key part of the 80-story building design, is also not feasible with the new plans. We are generously offering the city the opportunity to buy back the land if they do not approve of the new plans. The increase in asking price reflects the design work we have put into developing this property."

Admittedly this is my own uninformed, cynical view of business deals in cases where people are expecting additional unspecified benefits for free (like spurred development). They are no longer negotiating with what is being agreed upon, but what they imagine it will be. The fact that everyone's calling it an 80-storey building suggests that they're basing their opinions on assumptions.
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It may get cut back, but I'm guessing it will remain at least 200m.

^and i would be fine with that as long as it's still good and tall. i am curious though if there really is a coalmine directly below where they want to put it and whether or not that would effect how high they can go.
Edmonton city council to discuss proposed 80-storey tower in The Quarters
Edmonton city councillors will discuss several proposed bylaws Monday that could pave the way for what might become the tallest building in Alberta’s capital city.

The hypothetical 280-metre high, 80-storey mixed-use tower, proposed by Alldritt Land Corp. and architect Brad Kennedy, is tentatively being called The Quarters Hotel and Residences. The thin skyscraper would be located on the south side of Jasper Avenue, east of the Shaw Conference Centre and west of 96 Street.

The proposed development would require council to make several zoning bylaw amendments to accommodate its ambitious height and the fact it would partially intrude on river valley land.


Elise Stolte @estolte
Community asking to postpone Alldritt Tower hearing until April 4 to allow community consultation, questions answered. #yegcc

Elise Stolte @estolte
Community wants to see full traffic study and full city response, not just summary in sustainable development's report. #yegcc

Elise Stolte @estolte
Community also wants specific consultation with Indigenous and Chinese communities, land is of historic value. #yegc

Elise Stolte ‏@estolte
Vote passes to postpone 80-storey tower debate to Feb. 22. #yegcc

Elise Stolte @estolte
The parkland up for sale for the 80-storey tower is scheduled to be debated next Tuesday at executive committee. #yegcc
I don't know, I think it's a justified concern, there's really hardly any parking anywhere near the Quarters. It's already such a bustling and congested urban environment that it won't take much straw to break that camel's back, you know?
Hahahahaha. Yep. Slim pickins' in those parts. :eek:



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Edmonton city council postpones discussion on 80-storey tower in The Quarters
Edmonton city council pushed back discussion on several proposed bylaws that could pave the way for what might become the tallest building in Alberta’s capital city.

A public hearing was scheduled Monday to discuss the proposed Quarters Hotel and Residences. However, the debate was postponed until Feb. 22.

The city decided to postpone debate after it received two letters from residents concerned about the consultation process and the community impact.

Opponents of Edmonton tower plans say public consultation lacking
The debate over the 80-storey tower proposed for The Quarters continued this week, with opponents pushing city council to postpone debate on the skyscraper to April — arguing there hasn't been enough public consultation.

But councillors turned them down at a public hearing Monday, and staff argued they've reached out to the community. Instead, debate over rezoning of the proposed location will be back at council later this month.

The tower plans have attracted controversy for the proposed location on a portion of public river valley at Jasper Ave and 96 Street. If approved the city would sell a piece of parkland to developer Alldritt.

Opponents said the tower will block views and set a precedent for future development of the river valley.

I thought I would enjoy a career in planning but switched my major to psychology because I don't think I'd have the willpower to stop myself from punching NIMBYs.
