builders are experts in covering their butts in these agreements and generally hold the upper hand through the Tarion and other legal processes. They've had lots of practice knowing what they can get away with with words like "approximate".
No I don't work for the builder. I am one of those people who paid "top dollar" for a unit in phase three which is still under construction, so while I don't own in Emerald City 1, I do follow these threads because I have a vested interest in the entire project. I want my investment to appreciate in value not decrease. I just don't believe internet forums are a place to air all our dirty laundry. Negative comments will not hurt the builder any, all their units are sold and they will get their money, it will hurt those who at some point in the future will want to sell. When people interested in purchasing at emerald city 5 - 10 years from now do a Google search and type in Emerald City, I want them that they find nothing but positive comments. That's all, and its up to us as owners to work with our respective boards when they are in place to create and maintain community that people will want to live in.
builders are experts in covering their butts in these agreements and generally hold the upper hand through the Tarion and other legal processes. They've had lots of practice knowing what they can get away with with words like "approximate".

I agree with this as a general blanket statement! Not in this case, especially the Purchase Agreement states it clearly! The word 'Approximate' is to say it can be slight more or less (ie., it might comes to 9'10" or 10' 2" but not by an entire foot), or else the 10' statement has no meaning and is not worth the paper it is written on. I doubt it very much the Builder can get away from this. I am not bashing the Builder to devalue everyone's property, but I think the Builder can rectify all of it. I am upset the Builder rushes me into the unit so I can start paying without the consideration of getting the unit truly ready!
I understand the word 'approximate' means, not EXACTLY 10 foot, ... would you be upset if you ended up with 9 foot ceiling of your entire unit and everyone else get 9 foot while you thought you paid for 10 foot ceiling to be on the 36th floor? Let's not argue and just admit your fault and you made a mistake and will correct the problem. If the Builder offer me to walk away from my suite today I would, and I think it should be part of the PDI option for every suite to protect the purchaser from lousy workmanship! BTW., do you work for the Builder? Sounded like you do!

again as mentioned its approximate ceiling height with the exclusions of bulk heads and heating yes you may have a 10 foot ceiling at one point of the condo but if the structural build requires your ceiling to be lower at other sections then your so out of luck.Database everyone I know have horror stories about fit and finish and larger complaints about ceiling height and uneven flooring but the contract you signed and review unless your lawyer amend it and the builder accepts it the only option is Tarion which in itself is a joke.
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Question though...what's the point of having the smaller door entrance to the garage if people are using the bigger door to enter??
No I don't work for the builder. I am one of those people who paid "top dollar" for a unit in phase three which is still under construction, so while I don't own in Emerald City 1, I do follow these threads because I have a vested interest in the entire project. I want my investment to appreciate in value not decrease. I just don't believe internet forums are a place to air all our dirty laundry. Negative comments will not hurt the builder any, all their units are sold and they will get their money, it will hurt those who at some point in the future will want to sell. When people interested in purchasing at emerald city 5 - 10 years from now do a Google search and type in Emerald City, I want them that they find nothing but positive comments. That's all, and its up to us as owners to work with our respective boards when they are in place to create and maintain community that people will want to live in.

Canchris, what you are looking for and expect from this forum is to be a "Propaganda" news print for you! You can't control the world. We are here to share information and maybe even by solidarity we can change the Builder. Don't live in fear and please don't force others to either, ultimately it hurts all of us by not standing up!
Question though...what's the point of having the smaller door entrance to the garage if people are using the bigger door to enter??

No idea, when using the garage remote control, the bigger door goes up. As a result I assume residents go in through the Bigger door, while the smaller door has an intercom so it is for Visitor to interact with the security and the resident. Weird and has no sign or direction when given the garage door opener.
Canchris, what you are looking for and expect from this forum is to be a "Propaganda" news print for you! You can't control the world. We are here to share information and maybe even by solidarity we can change the Builder. Don't live in fear and please don't force others to either, ultimately it hurts all of us by not standing up!

Wow know me so well. In an earlier post you were convinced that I worked for the builder (which I don't) and now you seem to know exactly what I want from this forum (wrong again) about living in fear. One thing that you did actually get correct was that I want to change the world.. I absolutely do, but not by posting on internet sites I do it by getting actively involved in causes I find worthwhile. Do you think that by simply posting a few posts on the internet… or “liking” something on Facebook or tweeting about something you are really doing something positive for change or standing up? Visiting the builders office, making phone calls, writing letters, talking with neighbours, that’s my idea of getting involved. Your name is not Harry by any chance is it?
Database I can tell you from experience the builder will only fix what they are required by whats on the signed contract,if your ceiling is less than specify do you expect them to raise the ceiling or move a feeder duct?.I know people who had terrible taping on the drywalls,bad flooring installation,condensation of the window planes after a few weeks and a year later still hasnt been rectify because the builder contract has wording about what constitutes deficiencies and what they are obligated to do.
Wow know me so well. In an earlier post you were convinced that I worked for the builder (which I don't) and now you seem to know exactly what I want from this forum (wrong again) about living in fear. One thing that you did actually get correct was that I want to change the world.. I absolutely do, but not by posting on internet sites I do it by getting actively involved in causes I find worthwhile. Do you think that by simply posting a few posts on the internet… or “liking” something on Facebook or tweeting about something you are really doing something positive for change or standing up? Visiting the builders office, making phone calls, writing letters, talking with neighbours, that’s my idea of getting involved. Your name is not Harry by any chance is it?

I respect your way of standing up, and I have done the same thing with the builders office! I do think by sharing information here on the Internet and with this forum we can inform each other and we can stand united to get the Builder to act. Case in point, the direct access to the subway station. I have chosen to speak to my neighbours via this forum and there are many of whom I don't know! I am not here to argue with you and this is my last post of such to you! If you don't like what I write here, ignore it! If you want to shut someone else then go look into the mirror! (BTW., what you've written can be considered as bullying!) This is the age of social media and the Internet, you can choose not to like it, then just stop looking at this forum and what I write here. I can't stop you and you can and please ignore me!
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Database I can tell you from experience the builder will only fix what they are required by whats on the signed contract,if your ceiling is less than specify do you expect them to raise the ceiling or move a feeder duct?.I know people who had terrible taping on the drywalls,bad flooring installation,condensation of the window planes after a few weeks and a year later still hasnt been rectify because the builder contract has wording about what constitutes deficiencies and what they are obligated to do.

I have actually spoken to the person on the 36th floor, news is that the Builder will assess the whole floor and will either move the ceiling back up one foot or if they can't, they will compensate the owners. There is no way anyone can move the duct or bulk head. In the suite, there is not a single point in the entire suite has anything higher than 9' 1". (I was taken into his suite) As for the rest regarding drywall, I have to agree that the Builder can get away from most of it. I am just frustrated when I compare the workmanship with builders such as Tridel, & Menkees, ELAD is so far behind. It is so funny the welcoming pack I received contains all the cleaning agents and utensils. While with Menkees, I received towels and sleep robes, and that goes to tell you the differences of attitudes and quality of the suites. Eventually most of us will cough out more money to fix our units!
I have done my PDI and the workmanship just scare the heck out of me. The walls are crooked, a tile has a tremendous dint, the cabinet edges were scratched, screw hole on the wall, the HVAC makes so much noise and the floor is wavy! Can anyone give me anything positive here? Like how long do you have to wait to get them fix it???!!!! Anyone living on floor 34 and 35? I overheard someone mentioned the 36th floor has a lower ceiling than the 10' ceiling they were promised! People need to measure it! I can smell a law suit in the making if that's true. These people paid top dollars to be there, it goes to tell you how rush and bad a job the builder has done, how can they built something not to specification!

LOL. This is all normal. You can get the builder to fix some of the cosmetic stuff depending on what it is. The structural stuff, even if it's their fault, you will never get them to fix it. So your ceilings aren't 10 ft? Welp, that's your problem. Builder won't fix it and Tarion can't make them. I'm sure in the contract in the fine print it states that they can pretty much build you a unit that is nothing like what they agreed to and you would have to deal with it.

This is the risk you take with buying off spec from builders. They'll tell you everything in order to get you to buy. Then put their feet up.

You can try going through Tarion. You may get a few things fixed. Tarion is kinda useless, though. As far as how long the builder will take to fix things? Could be a year, 2 years or never.

As far as a law suit, I'm sure the contract that you signed is air tight and it will be your lawyer against the builder's lawyer. You're not winning.

Hope it works out for you. The ceiling thing will never be fixed, though. No structural things are ever fixed.
I have actually spoken to the person on the 36th floor, news is that the Builder will assess the whole floor and will either move the ceiling back up one foot or if they can't, they will compensate the owners. There is no way anyone can move the duct or bulk head. In the suite, there is not a single point in the entire suite has anything higher than 9' 1". (I was taken into his suite) As for the rest regarding drywall, I have to agree that the Builder can get away from most of it. I am just frustrated when I compare the workmanship with builders such as Tridel, & Menkees, ELAD is so far behind. It is so funny the welcoming pack I received contains all the cleaning agents and utensils. While with Menkees, I received towels and sleep robes, and that goes to tell you the differences of attitudes and quality of the suites. Eventually most of us will cough out more money to fix our units!

Tridel and Menkes are able to charge more for that reason. If this was a Tridel project, you would be paying more. Would you have been willing to spend an extra 15-25% more?

You get what you pay for. Honestly.
Tridel and Menkes are able to charge more for that reason. If this was a Tridel project, you would be paying more. Would you have been willing to spend an extra 15-25% more?

You get what you pay for. Honestly.

I looked long and hard at Tridel's Trio at Atria project at Consumers Road. As a matter of fact, I bought a unit and backed out near the end of my 10 day cooling off. The decision for me was between Builder reputation and location. Tridel was the builder of choice in my mind, but in my opinion there was no comparison between the two locations. Especially now that the Sheppard LRT is delayed even further, so I opted to take a chance knowing very well I was taking a risk with a builder whose track record was not as proven as the likes of Tridel or Menkes. No regrets yet, but then again building three won't be ready for quite a while.
Anyone here bought tower 2? Any news on when it will be done?

I bought a unit in tower 2 and back then I was told that the amenities in tower 2 and 3 will be shared where as the amenities in tower 1 will not be share with the other towers. Does any one know if that is still the case? The reason I ask this is because i went back to to sale centre recently and noticed that Tower 3 have their own amenities.
