Under construction: the North American Life annex (now PoMo'd and swamped by the FCP podium) as well as 165 University (at Adelaide)
And a terrific overhead of the Board Of Trade in its final days...
Some more pics from the Telegram Archives: the demolition of the old Telegram Building at Bay and Melinda for Commerce Court 1964:
What was demolished:
Making sure I know what I'm looking at: building just to the north: Imperial Bank building?
If anyone knows of any photos of that one being taken down, or the pre-old Scotia building demolition (which I believe was the Cawthra House) that would just make my day. I've got demolition pictures for 2 1/2 of the 4 corners now. I'd take demolition photos for Scotia Plaza, too, if anyone has those.
My little handout is getting bigger..
I've been searching the Then and Now thread continuing my collection of photos, so I can answer my own question: NOT the Imperial Bank building. Toronto General Trust building. Imperial Bank was the next building north. I didn't think the Imperial Bank building was that big, and the style was wrong (the Imperial was more of a Moderne-type building).
That's true. The Imperial Bank on the corner replaced the Union Bank:
1924 Goad's map:
Union Bank on left 1912:
One question does arise: Any idea when the Imperial Bank building was constructed? That 1931 shot still shows the Union Bank building in place (but the shot of Commerce Court North dated "1928?" shows the Imperial Bank, so one of those dates must be off). It seems to be a nondescript, rather unloved little Moderne building. Did it actually get built in the middle of the Depression?
thanks, Goldie, for linking to this page -- i certainly had fun making it, once i discovered that old topographic mapHere's a page which gives the basics regarding the Bayview Ghost:
Thanks for these....I'd seen earlier photos of the general area and wondered about the roofline that projected higher than the surrounding buildings--the Union Bank photos answered that question for me.
Thanks to thecharioteer for all the great photos. I've done my presentation, but I've got a King and Bay collection going now that looks like it's just going to keep expanding.
I've narrowed the gap somewhat. The following pic from November 1939 shows the Imperial Bank. The quest continues.....
Note on the left, the hoarding around the skeleton of the new Bank of Montreal (or the skeleton of the old Globe building?)
A further narrowing: an undated pic from the Toronto Star Archives which describes the Imperial Bank as "new", but is obviously post-1931, the date the Bank of Commerce building opened: