What a dire looking place.
What’s worse: dire or sterile? That area might be more vibrant now, but it sure looks awful.
I thought same initially. It's a very interesting point, and this is hardly the first Black and White that's left me with this impression. Many from prior to this even look even more stark and harsh.
So I stared at that pic to figure out the context without colour. First off, the Islands are a huge swath of green, but that's not apparent, I first realized that after thinking "that must be Winter time", as I agree with both your impressions. But the foliage is thick and lush.
So where else is there foliage that isn't being realized? I have a distinct memory of the early Sixties, and going up to the top of the Commerce Building in Toronto with my 'grandad' visiting from the UK, a family that loves their gardens and houseplants, and his remarking "what a carpet of green Toronto is"...and indeed, you couldn't clearly discern the blocks for the trees in most all directions, including looking south across the rail lands.
I look forward to your responses, as I'm often troubled by exactly your impressions: "How did we survive life back then?". And we had it easy! It was the gens before us...*for the most part* that had it hard....Or did they?
And yet imagine what it must have been like arriving in London, New York City, Paris, Berlin etc in the Twenties. For someone reasonably well-off, it must have been Nirvana! The cities of the future!
And then the Thirties hit.
So getting back to that pic...any further impressions? Same on a second look? Again, I really don't know what to think, save that pictures can lie. And Black and White can be so detailed, it lies in not being coloured.