Some parts of Farm Boy seem well-thought out. But it is not a complete shop. If you are visiting multiple stores anyway, why not go to a local butcher, bakery, etc. and not a corporate chain?
In fairness, Farm Boy is a complete food offering.
What they lack is non-food items such as Paper Towel, TP, Dish Soap, etc.
Those items are largely non-perishable and could be picked up in quantities that last 2 months or more in a one-off trip to a different chain store.
Whereas no one (so far as I'm aware) is going to to do their food shopping every month or two. (maybe someone who is ok w/lots of frozen food?)
I think Farm Boy's offer is decent; though it could be better in spots for sure.
But I like the the focus on food.
My complaints would be more centred around depth; product excellence; and bold flavour.
They do some of these well, in some segments, but not others.
In their pre-pandemic meals-to-go segment, I find them wildly inconsistent.
They've had a French inspired take on Beef Bourignon that was really quite good; and a General Tso's Pork Chop that might be fit for scoring on goal in a game of hockey, but not for eating.
In produce, they have more items available loose that some other stores (different kinds of beets; and rainbow carrots); as well as greater depth of fresh herbs; on the other hand they tend to have limited quantities of most exotics, and less selection on mushrooms than the typical Loblaws.
in summation it's a good store, with much to recommend it; but it's not for everyone and doesn't serve every niche.
Going to a Butcher might be my thing, but for most people you're complicating their food-buying regimen.
That's a butcher, a baker, a green grocer, a fish monger, plus a chain store for paper towels and soap.
I love to cook, so that's down my alley, sometimes.
But even I don't do that every week.
I wouldn't view FB as an alternative to independents; it's an alternative other chains, with more focus on food, on fresh and on a smaller footprint which makes it faster to get in/out.