For the record I'd just like to say that I was not complaining about the noise. Simply stating it wouldn't be a good location for sleeping on a Friday or Saturday night.
In regards to the desire to evict all the clubs and shut down one of the only places to party in the city; I, for one am disappointed by the attitude of some of the forumers on this board. There are people who like to go to clubs and party. I am one of those people, however I rarely frequent the clubs in the entertainment district.
Every major city should have a club district of some sort for its residents and tourists alike. It brings life, vitality, and economic prosperity for the city as well as many people who rely on the entertainment industry for income such as myself.
The city has created a high-risk area by limiting all new clubs to the entertainment district. If the city changed its by-laws to allow clubs to open up in other areas than the clubs in the entertainment district would suffer and ultimately close.