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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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the idea that one could/would put a shelter in the middle of a bunch of KIDS partying is ridiculous. so, a) I can't believe anybody would propose this, and b) I can't believe people are making a big politik stink out of it. if it wasn't so silly, it would be hilarious.

and all this nonsense that the area is completely out of control and consumed with violence is rubbish. on any given weekend there is in excess of 30,000 kids down there doing there 'thang.'

go to miami, new york and then tell me our entertainment district is dangerous. it's ridiculous.
hmmm...yutes from Brampton vs. yutes from and contrast.
I find it odd that some people do not understand why a homeless shelter is being placed in the Entertainment District. Simply put, it is almost impossible to place such a shelter in or near a residential setting because of the stigma attached to homelessness. Since the concentration of homeless people is in the downtown area, and since the Entertainment District is downtown, that is where the shelter has ended up.

Is it the best place? No. But it is easier than other alternatives.
maybe if you live in ottawa...but toronto's 'downtown' is a bit bigger than a 2 block radius that is the club district.
^Thanks for stating the obvious!

Try suggest setting up such a facility around Bathurst and King - or further west. People will complain. Go further east and residents will argues that they already have their share of facilities, and so on.

The Entertainment District is only really hyperactive on Friday and Saturday nights, and has a low residential component. I suppose they could go for the Financial District for such a facility, but somehow I think that would generate some complaints as well.

I've tried to state why I think they are doing this, not that it's a great idea.

That's my point.
the clubs run pretty heavy thrusday through sunday, but you bring up a good point. I would argue that outside of the 2 rush hour periods in the financial district, that that area is actually much slower overall.

but I understand what you're saying. and at the end of the day, wherever it goes, there will be complaints.
Re: what?

i don't think so. why do the homeless and government housing get central locations in the core? Send these folks to Scarborugh please and then I won't mind paying them to squat.
I've got to agree with you there THX. Only in North America do we utilize top demand downtown real estate for the majority of a city's homeless shelters and government housing. Of course when the homeless and government housing was built downtown, the area was depressed and unwanted, as the middle and upper class had fled the city core. This is no longer the case.

Not to worry though, as this current move won't last, as that land's too valuable to a developers and when the city again cries poor, they'll sell out for the cash.
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I'm definitely not against shelters in the core, but I can't see this particular location being a good idea. Needless to say there will be an even greater police presence in this area now.
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Why? Poverty isn't a crime, unless Steve Harper's done something I haven't heard about yet.
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Seems to me that the decision was made based on the convenience of the building dimensions rather than logic of the location. Drunken youths with money and panhandlers with none seems like a mix awaiting disaster to me. It may work for all know, but personally I think it's only a matter of time before we see some nasty incidents.
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Most homeless shelters have a strict curfew. The people residing in the homeless shelter will be inside long before the clubs heat up.
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Why? Drunks are easy to part from their money. Clubland is designed for the sole purpose of doing that.
Re: what?

Yeh I know, but don't homeless people tend to hang around the vicinity of shelters regarless of whether the doors are closed for the evening?

"Drunks are easy to part from their money." Very true it'll be terrific business for panhandlers. I only hope that drunken skirmishes are kept at a minimum.
Re: what?

Globe and Mail- Shelter project on hold

A proposal to spend $4.7-million on a defunct nightclub and turn it into a homeless shelter and referral centre in the heart of the Toronto's entertainment district found few supporters at city hall yesterday.

The idea, made public in recent weeks, would see the city use federal homelessness funding to buy the former Fez Batik nightclub at Peter and Richmond Streets and turn it into an intake centre for the homeless that would also include a 40-bed emergency shelter.

The proposal raised concerns among local property owners, nightclub owners and nearby residents, who addressed a city council committee yesterday.

Councillor Adam Vaughan supports the idea, saying the homeless in the area need the help. But council's general government committee voted to defer the plan for a month, telling bureaucrats to keep looking for cheaper real estate.

Mr. Vaughan agreed that the city should look for the best deal, but dismissed other concerns raised by nightclub owners, saying they were responsible for the neighbourhood's No. 1 problem: "hooligans" who cram into the club district on weekends, creating noise and police headaches.

"If there's a fear that this is an inappropriate place for homeless people to sleep indoors at night, imagine owning a condo in the area," Mr. Vaughan said.

City officials say they need a new downtown referral and assessment centre for the homeless, as the current facility, just north of city hall at 110 Edward St., will close next month to be converted into 300 apartments of affordable housing. They say the city's streets-to-homes program has helped more than 1,000 homeless find apartments.

It was unclear what impact yesterday's delay might have on Ottawa's funding, which is predicated on the purchase of the former nightclub, according to Phil Brown, the city's manager of shelter and housing.

The proposed shelter, along with other possible locations, is now scheduled to come before council in late May, which may make it hard for the city to buy the Peter Street property. City staff have an agreement that gives them only until May 31 to sign that deal.

Officials have been in talks with the property owner, Alderley Edge Investments
Report from the Corner of Richmond/Simcoe

I live right the edge of the club district (just above Inside Nightclub) and I am rarely bothered by the noise on a Friday or Saturday night. My unit faces Richmond Street and I love to look out on the street and see the vibrant youth having fun. Yes - there is the occasional drunken shout but come on -- if I didn't expect that kind of thing I would never have bought here. I think this Adam Vaughan's way of exacting revenge for never being invited out for an evening out with the boys/girls when he was that age. He was probably a big nerd who never went to clubs. Just a theory. What I mean is he just doesn't understand that these are just kids having fun. Yes, there is going to be some violence but that will happen anytime you mix youth, alcohol and hormones. It doesn't matter what district you are in. A guy just got shot right outside Brass Rail the other night. Not to mention Jane Creba a couple years ago not too far away. Maybe we should put a homeless shelter next door! Adam Vaughan says he is trying to help condo owners in the area??? I AM a condo owner in the district and I DON't WANT A HOMELESS SHELTER in my area!! That will be far worse than any drunken frat boy who shouts a bit too loud sometimes. The fact is those drunken kids are only there for a couple hours each week and police presence is so high in those hours I don't see why anyone would be so stupid as to even fart in the wrong direction. A homeless shelter will ALWAYS be there. Right now I am comfortable walking down Richmond Street on a Tuesday or Wednesday night at 2am because it's virtually deserted. I don't think I will be as comfortable taking that walk with a homeless shelter around. I know they have to be in by certain hours but still -- they don't all get in. Some of them just hang around. There is a stigma attached to homeless shelters for a reason! Anyhow -- I am a condo owner in the district and I am saying that I would prefer it if they built a nice nightclub there instead of a homeless shelter. A nightclub in the club district?? What a novel idea. Besides -- is putting another shelter even going to help the homeless situation?? I have the solution. Maybe the club owners can hire them to hand out flyers or as bouncers.
