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May 13, 2007
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The Star has a blockbuster story out that seems to confirm what Drum has been suggesting here: that Gary Webster has been targeted by the Fords, and Stintz may be too if she refuses to play along (which is the case right now). And an added wrinkle: that the Mayors are contemplating eliminating the ENTIRE streetcar system, and using the money saved on new vehicles for the Sheppard subway extension. That part is from Joe Mihevc.

If this is even remotely true, I feel like vomiting.
Disagree with the Ford Mayors, get the axe.

The moment they start ripping up streetcar tracks for permanent removal, I might just implode.
I think the TTC, as a form of protest if this streetcar thing ever does come to the table, should run buses on all streetcar routes for a week, just so that the public can get a taste of what would be in store if the streetcar routes were cancelled. Naturally, people would likely cry bloody murder, which would certainly swing public opinion well onto the side of keeping the streetcars.
This is the absolutely most disgusting thing the Ford bros can do to transit (even though I think they'd be capable of screwing us even more). Scrapping Transit City? Okay, we have a medium solution - albeit stupid - but now getting rid of higher-capacity vehicles just because they're in the way of your gas guzzler? I thought it was all about progression, not moving backwards...

Why is this guy even in office?
Disagree with the Ford Mayors, get the axe.

The moment they start ripping up streetcar tracks for permanent removal, I might just implode.

I agree...this is the kinda thing that should produce civil disobedience at the highest levels....public opposition through protests even...
I think the TTC, as a form of protest if this streetcar thing ever does come to the table, should run buses on all streetcar routes for a week, just so that the public can get a taste of what would be in store if the streetcar routes were cancelled. Naturally, people would likely cry bloody murder, which would certainly swing public opinion well onto the side of keeping the streetcars.

Brilliant! :)
I think the TTC, as a form of protest if this streetcar thing ever does come to the table, should run buses on all streetcar routes for a week, just so that the public can get a taste of what would be in store if the streetcar routes were cancelled. Naturally, people would likely cry bloody murder, which would certainly swing public opinion well onto the side of keeping the streetcars.

I like this notion.
Though I agree that 'civil servants' like Gary Webster must impliment the decisions taken by their (our) political masters; it is clearly stupid and counter-productive that they are now also expected to act as cheerleaders for projects that have been proposed (in this case with little discussion or thought). The politicians ned to have a source of unbiased opinion and advice and that's what civil servants are there to offer. If the Mayor gets strong support at Council for one of his crazy 'back-of-the-envelope' plans then the civil servants must either impliment it or resign but in this case we are far from having a plan that has been accepted by more than the mayors Ford. The City has spent millions upgrading the TTC streetcar tracks and overhead in the last decade and has finally ordered new streetcars that will cost less to run and which are accessible. The idea of simply ripping it all up again and using buses is simply beyond any sense at all.
This is going to hit the boiling point if Ford just as hints at ripping up streetcar tracks. He's going to need all the cops he can hire. The G20 will look like just the opening act for the kind of protests Toronto will see.

We all knew how bad Ford would be for Toronto, but I thought that at least council would temper the man's incredibly ignorant and bull headed threats to Toronto. I was wrong.
Aren't the new streetcars paid by the province by 1/3 (or maybe 2/3). The province will never agree to this
I think the TTC, as a form of protest if this streetcar thing ever does come to the table, should run buses on all streetcar routes for a week, just so that the public can get a taste of what would be in store if the streetcar routes were cancelled. Naturally, people would likely cry bloody murder, which would certainly swing public opinion well onto the side of keeping the streetcars.

A really great idea in theory. In practice, the guy who initiates this action paints a red flag on his forehead, and "takes one for the team".

I love the suggestion regardless.
You guys are focusing on the streetcars but I think it was the idea of Case Ootes taking over TTC that was most scary in that article for me.

Here's an idea - what about someone with a transit background as opposed to a cost-cutting background?
A really great idea in theory. In practice, the guy who initiates this action paints a red flag on his forehead, and "takes one for the team".

I love the suggestion regardless.

The TTC can masquerade it as a "pilot project" to see if it'll work. Naturally, because they don't have the bus fleet size to make up for the decrease in per vehicle capacity by increasing frequency, service quality will decline. This would lead to the public practically begging to bring the streetcars back.

The TTC can position this is a "compromise" with the mayor to allow them to test it out before they go with scrapping the entire system. If they play their cards right, they could convince the public that switching to buses for a week was their idea of "compromise", sway public opinion firmly onto the side of streetcars, AND make Ford look like an idiot (not that he doesn't look like that already, but to see his "proposal" screw over downtown traffic for a week would wake a lot of people up to just how reckless his "ideas" are).
