Please make it so! These are the kinds of winter-friendly facilities this city truly is lacking in especially given its pro-winter marketing stance and its effects to make it as pleasurable to be granted our ahem... geography and climate... Also a midway freak so you can believe i will be donating to the Fort Edmonton Park lighting fund! I'd also like to see the park add an old wooden roller coaster similar to the old Borden Park monster that people used to rave about back in the day... That's one attraction that is still an ever-increasing rarity DESPITE the increased and renewed interest in CLT products that while not 100% authentic would certainly be stronger/safer than mere wood... And probably less of a fire risk too. Not that vandalism to private or public property is EVER an issue in YEG.... ;-)
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New fairground development. Was far away so I couldn't get a great view but one of the cool additions includes a wooden roller coaster!
@Kaizen Oh wow I forgot about that picture haha. That was pretty early in construction, and I don't think I captured the actual site of the roller coaster, but I'm sure that by now a lot more has happened!
That photo was not the Roller coaster. but part of the side show area. When I was last there the coaster had not been started. but I will check when I am there next month. I cannot use any of my photos but when I am riding next week I will swing by and get a few from the trails.