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Does anybody know this man?
Does anybody know this man?

The police finally got around to releasing pictures of suspects almost 2 weeks after the fact and this guy WASN'T on their list! Now it could be that they have already arrested and charged him but that is highly unlikely since they would have announced the charges with huge fanfare. You can count on that!.

So who is this guy and why aren't the cops interested in finding him?

You can see the pictures released by the cops at their Facebook page. After all the time they have had to review videos there are only six people shown in this release. Why the delay and why so few suspects? Are they having trouble filtering out all of the police operatives?!/album.php?aid=191162&id=191543066296

I find it ironic that a police force that was arresting members of the public for simply taking pictures during the G20 is now appealing to the public to turn over pictures taken so as to assist the investigation!
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Rhetoric about "fascist" cops notwithstanding, just how many court cases against the police for excessive use of force actually went in favour of the complainant?
Exactly the point. Every single complaint that comes up, the cops can just say "oh well they definitely fabricated the evidence." If every single one of these dozens of abuse claims gets shot down, that's just totally unbelievable for me. And if there was one abuse case, that brings the plausibility of the others way up.

So, they might as well have advertised it as "free beatings" for all Canadian cops. That's exactly what these events attract; so much is happening that people assume they can get away with whatever they want. This goes for both sides, but we've well established that the black bloc guys were definitely big SOBs that should be flogged. It's just the police that get rewarded for not only being poorly coordinated and letting go of the city they were called in by the thousands to protect, but also totally free for whatever misuse of power that might have (and probably had) occurred.
These are accusations by one of the most respected and well known journalists in the province. I guess who does one believe, a reporter who witnessed it; or Bill Blair, who was caught in several lies during the G20, and particularly the 2-3 days following.

Regardless, allegations still need to be proven and this means either some inquiry or court. Until then, even substantial testimonials from witnesses to the contrary isn't enough.
I've always supported McGuinty ... but I think he's starting to outstay his welcome ...

... though what do we replace him with ... Mike Harris's mini-me is running the PC party ... and I'm not even sure who the NDP leader is ... Hampton? Has he even been mentioned in the media this year?
From Adam Vaughan's office:

Dear Residents,

At yesterday’s meeting of the Toronto Police Services Board, the Board formally established an Independent Civilian Review of the G20 Summit.

This review will identify and study the issues raised by the Board and the public regarding the oversight, governance, accountability, transparency, communications, and supervision.

Within the next two weeks, the Board will finalize and present the Terms of Reference for the Review. We invite the public to make recommendations on the Terms of Reference.

Yawn. An independent review brought about by an arm of the Toronto police? I can see where this is headed. Inquiry, schminquiry; they'll find that some officers acted with "undue care" or some such, and that will be that. There will be no firings or even official censures for anyone involved. No punishment, no consequences; it's all for show. Nothing will come of this except millions more in taxpayers' dollars wasted going towards the salaries of "independent" hired consultants.

But yeah, let's chalk this up as another "feel-good" initiative taken on by our socialist City Council. :rolleyes:

What stinks here is that the same high-profile "activists" keep showing up at these things every time, instigating riots, planning violence and participating in it. Yet they never, ever get convicted for it. Either the charges are dropped or they are acquitted. Most of these people have "jobs" where they are paid taxpayers' dollars to agitate for "social causes".
Why the delay and why so few suspects? Are they having trouble filtering out all of the police operatives?

You never answered the last post raising all the huge improbabilities that would have to be in place for this guy to be a "police operative", even one smuggled in from out of the country. Guess you don't want reality to interfere with your little conspiracy fantasy.

How do you know his arrest would have been "announced with huge fanfare"? Just because "you can count on it" doesn't mean it is true. Maybe they are still collecting evidence against him? Do you have a list of all those still in detention?
The police finally got around to releasing pictures of suspects almost 2 weeks after the fact and this guy WASN'T on their list! Now it could be that they have already arrested and charged him but that is highly unlikely since they would have announced the charges with huge fanfare. You can count on that!.

Have we seen any photos of people arrested that are still in custody? The 14 (or was it 16) of them? No, we have not - why? Because to parade them out in front of television cameras can contaminate the jury pool and lead to a mistrial, especially in a case with high media interest.

Oh, but sure it is just a huge conspiracy.... Yeah! That's the ticket!
Canada's Most Dangerous Neighborhood...and some G20 thoughts...

Are you seriously referring to downtown Toronto on that Sunday as the most dangerous place in Canada? How many people died? Never heard of Abbotsford-Mission, the murder capital of Canada? Now that's a dangerous place.

AB: Where exactly is this located? Are there crime stats showing Canada's most dangerous City neighborhoods?

As for the aftermath of the G20 Summit I read most if not all of the pages of posts on this subject (Thanks to all who posted!)
and I looked at some videos showing some of the clashes between police and demonstrators and some that were posted showing
some of the damage caused by the anarchists protesting the G20 - even though they were clearly caught on camera by some
video posters they still made little effort to conceal themselves other then some token blocking of those catching their deeds on camera. I found that even "pleasure palaces" like the famous Zanzibar on Yonge Street-even with that sign mentioning a getaway of sorts from the G20-felt the wrath of their vandalism.

I thought of two things after looking over all these G20 postings: First - Back in 1969 the group Chicago put out arguably their best
album-their first titled "Chicago Transit Authority" - the group went by that name then and shortened it to Chicago after a legal dispute from the CTA over the use of that name - that album had recordings from the protests of August 29,1968 - the Democratic National Convention in Chicago - and the clashes between police and protestors that developed.
I can not get the chant used by those protestors out of my mind: "The Whole World's Watching!" and in the case of the G20
with today's information technology that is definitely true in this case!

Second: How many police officers were assigned to Toronto during the G20 and how many different departments from all over Ontario and Canada were represented if anyone knows? I tried to look at patches on pictures taken and I remember seeing Montreal and OPP
to name two but I also wondered who was watching other parts of Toronto and other places during the G20? I remember reading someplace that during the 2004 RNC in NYC because of the huge police presence in Midtown Manhattan that in other
parts of the city crime actually increased due to the lower police presence especially in marginal neighborhoods.

I noticed posts from those who are tired of the G20 topic - but this is arguably one of the most significant news stories
in Canada let alone Toronto this year! In their defense I say that I am glad that this has passed and that Toronto can-and will recover from this aftermath of the G20.

Thoughts from Long Island Mike

I wouldn't be THAT fatalistic - having an inquiry and legal challenges is still better than not having one - god knows what would have happened if people just closed the book after APEC or the whole RCMP taser mess, for example? I am not willing to paint the entire force as corrupt, but at the same time hard questions need to be asked in the post mortem - and it would appear that there are questions aplenty.

Obviously the entire force is not corrupt, but it would seem that there are some people that blatantly abused their power as officers of the peace. I doubt that the entire force during the G20 was beating prisoners, but there's also a possibility that the whole event made the police a lot more volatile in general. I was just leading the logic that if there are this number of allogations, then something must have happened.

When it comes to costs, here's a recent comparison. The Japanese spent US$743 million in 2000 to host the G8 alone in Okinawa. So all things considered, $1 billion to host the G8 and G20 back to back is decent. Not to say there wasn't waste and some pork. But the idea that $1 billion is entirely out of line is maybe a little overblown.

I think everybody forgets that we got the shaft here. We were supposed to host the G8. Then they decided that the G8 and the G20 should run near concurrently. This decision came after we decided to host the G8 in Huntsville. So the government was forced to find a nearby location with ample room for all the G20 delegations. Though arguably, they might have been better off with using Waterloo, or even a suburb like Mississauga, I think people should at least appreciate the bind the government was in (something that would have happened regardless of which party was in power).
