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I can't believe people are suggesting we're on a slippery slope with law enforcement and human rights in this country.
I don't think anyone is suggesting we are very far down a slippery slope.

But that doesn't mean we should ignore systemic, or even isolated, cases of police abuse when they happen. Any more than we should turn a blind eye to those trashing stores.

Anyone who broke the law - be they rioter or police - should be punished to the full extent of the law.
Isolated cases, yes. But absolutely is it being attempted here to try and have the arrests and detainment over the summit weekend being blown up to be a bigger issue than it actually is.
Isolated cases, yes. But absolutely is it being attempted here to try and have the arrests and detainment over the summit weekend being blown up to be a bigger issue than it actually is.
I don't think so. It's the biggest mass arrest in the history of the nation ... with about double the number of people arrested in 3 days, than were arrested relating to the October crisis when the entire country was under martial law. That mass arrest lead to a decade of enquiries about how police had abused their powers.

There's 2 issues here. One is the isolated cased of abuse. The other is the wide-scale arrests. Perhaps a third is why police didn't challenge rioters on the Saturday.

Though I think we have to wait for the initial enquiries to see what comes of them.
Wide scale arrests are different than wide scale long term detentions - during the October crisis people weren't released within 24 hours when they weren't charged, that was what was the infringement on their rights.

Apples and oranges here my friend.
Wide scale arrests are different than wide scale long term detentions - during the October crisis people weren't released within 24 hours when they weren't charged, that was what was the infringement on their rights.
You sure about that? Those who I know who were arrested in 1970 were only held overnight. Sure, some weren't ... but neither was everyone here in Toronto released in 24 hours.
If they were only held overnight, then their rights weren't really violated according to the law, as long as the police were operating with good faith. The war measures act wasn't needed to detain people without charge under 24 hours, that can happen at any time. Lots of people were held for far longer without charge.
If they were only held overnight, then their rights weren't really violated according to the law, as long as the police were operating with good faith. The war measures act wasn't needed to detain people without charge under 24 hours, that can happen at any time. Lots of people were held for far longer without charge.
It's been a good 20 years since I read much of this stuff ... but if my memory serves me correctly, one of the issues was the number of English Canadians in Vancouver that the RCMP arrested under the War Measures act.

There were suggestions that the RCMP had used the nation-wide imposition of martial law because of the situation in Quebec, to arrest people that they knew had nothing to do with the FLQ. So while they didn't technically do anything illegal, and didn't violate any rights ... they did still abuse their power.
its a very funny video with a G20 theme! here, I'll embed it so you know it isnt a virus...

I'm surprised no one has mentioned.

But there was a very long 4-page article in yesterday's Star on the policing at the G20 summit, with some quite candid interviews. Most of the Insight section. And a picture I've never seen before, where you can clearly see a large black bloc group during the Friday protests. Well worth reading. See:

The Friday photo is:
Anyone know if police have caught any of these losers who were captured on CTV News changing their clothes? I've sent them to police twice but have never received a reply.






^ Caught on video - G20 Toronto Vandals / Criminals black clad bottom-feeders captured changing their clothes - Photo evidence
I'm surprised no one has mentioned.

But there was a very long 4-page article in yesterday's Star on the policing at the G20 summit, with some quite candid interviews. Most of the Insight section. And a picture I've never seen before, where you can clearly see a large black bloc group during the Friday protests. Well worth reading. See:

The Friday photo is:

Whenever I see signs like "Capitalism Sucks" it just makes me lose respect for the whole group. I mean, really? Capitalism "sucks"? Compared to what? Communism? If you want to come up with something better than capitalism, feel free. The world would love something better than capitalism.
