Senior Member
The new deli section just opened this week at Mission Safeway. They are really going all out on this expansion and renovation. Love it!
One of the empty lots in Marda Loop, the former site of the Mazaya sheesha lounge has a big SOLD sign on it. Hopefully something interesting goes in there. Or maybe co-op is trying to buy up that entire block.
That's the one.
That’s pretty accurate and profit margin on cost is below the 15% you’d want to see a proforma to say go on for a lot of little R-CG projects. People are making a go of it though, feel time on the market is a killer for some though.I'd wager if you had two million free and clear, acquired a 50' lot at the right price in the right location, knew what you were doing in construction, and had a good designer you could probably make 8%-10%.
A highly functional, affordable and properly located pig receiving some well-earned lipstick. I'd take this beef-castle over a shiny, sexy tower located next to a freeway interchange in the burbs any day of the week.Lipstick on a pig lol.