Disappointing they didn’t do anything at ground level and redo the podium and surrounding sidewalk. I actually don’t mind the tower and thinks it looks decent.
I'm surprised I'm saying this, but I think the new design is as good or better than the old one. IMO it's as good as previous during daylight hours, and better at night. It really goes to show you how much of a difference color can make. The initial renderings were awful, but in the final product the colors are closer to the original colors.
Ground floor on that one would have been tough to re-do, and expensive. That big green space would make a hell of a patio though!
This this turned out pretty decent, definitely an improvement over the previous builiding.
The investment is being made at a time when local artists' livelihoods are being crushed by the pandemic and the prior economic downturn, said Thompson
I def expected it would be more than half a million. That's a bargain, the staircase alone was probably 350 grand, which for a piece of permanent public infrastructure is a bargain. Basically the same cost as three street light posts.