Senior Member
Century Gardens looking awesome!
Yeah I know. Lived down here for about 4 years. Was more of a trail before. I didn't realize they were putting in a staircase too -here's the bottom:The pathway has always been there. They're merely formalizing it.
I wasn't arguing with you, Chad and I wasn't saying you had to live downtown to know about this project. Btw I'm the guy you sat next to you in 591. I agree that it would be nice if they kept it natural, that spot will be even more popular than it is now.
Improving that pathway has been discussed since at least the 1980s. If I remember correctly, the two big issues holding it up were NIMBY opposition, and overall slope stability. The hillside is not natural. Like McHugh Bluff it was a sandstone cliff similar to Scotsman's Hill that was regraded in the early 1900's without much consideration of drainage and long term stability. Some old pictures show the exposed sandstone cliffs. Another give way is the unnatural fall lines.
Is any drainage improvements or pile driving also underway?