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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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It looks like a giant blob. The podium is even worse than the last. It’s like they took all the negative feedback for how monolithic and hostile the last one was and decided to beef it up even more. I’d take the tallest and nothing else. Does it even have any heritage buildings retained, or even facades? This looks like they’re dynamiting the entire block.
Go home Triovest, you're drunk. The City of Calgary should purchase that entire block and take it out of the private sector's hands. It is a national historic district, restored with taxpayers dollars, the only block downtown with any sort of vitality and life to it and we are literally the only Canadian city dumb enough to allow private sector ownership of an asset like that and are just keeping our fingers crossed they don't screw it up. Buy the land, have CMLC restore the buildings along 7th and activate the alley, create a true gem in downtown Calgary that will last generations.
Sadly that doesn’t seem likely. Instead we’ll get some 80’s style mega monolith podium with generic Toronto investor condos plonked on top. I can’t understand this at all. It was rejected last time for being too dense and oppressive and for razing an entire block of heritage protected buildings. So their plan is to re-apply with an even bigger, more oppressive megastructure cramming 3 buildings so close together Hong Kongers would find it too dense?

It’s like a guy being rejected by a chick at the bar and coming back to use even more obnoxious pickup lines.

I wonder if there is some UCP backroom wink-wink nudge-nudge to their friends at Triovest that a new council packed with UCP muppets will approve it.
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I'm not convinced that this is a bad proposal at all. Most of our Downtown's towers are more or less the same scale and blockiness. Bankers Hall fronts onto Stephen Ave and nobody complains about that?

I put together a quick scale model based on the drawings earlier in the thread, and checked out what it looks like in the skyline from all the iconic angles. Pretty great actually. Only loss is that Telus Sky wouldn't be visible from the South anymore, but if this building is interesting-looking enough it could make up for it.

North, East, and Southwest look pretty good on it!

