As imperfect as Hamilton's bike infrastructure is (lots of work still needed), they did something right with this:
And this is ... *gasp* ... Hamilton, Ontario!
-- Buses can actually stop immediately without worrying about cyclists.
-- Hazard sign prevents cyclists from going onto the sidewalk island bus stop.
-- "Wait for Gap" sign telling cyclists to watch for pedestrians crossing the very obvious zebra bars across the cycle track.
-- Pedestrians patiently wait on either side of cycle track, feeling completely safe from cyclists
-- Cyclists don't have to get startled by buses suddenly trying to enter, just easily notice pedestrians hovering the obvious zebras
-- Noise pollution goes down since there's no emergency braking nor emergency horns.
Good examples like this are few and far in between -- but this Hamilton "
bus-stop-in-front-of-a-cycle-track" design better design than what's happening in some parts of Richmond-Adelaide!
This may have been one of those Participatory Budgeting items (Ward 1 and 2 allots a portion of funds annually to participatory budgeting). These enhancements are the type of participatory budget funded items that keep popping up in Ward 1 and Ward 2 piecemeal one by one. See and
That said, I think this is the kind of streetscape design improvements that should happen eventually to Richmond/Adelaide.
It's no longer realistic for buses to pull over into the cycle track, so we need designs like this that keeps cyclists & pedestrians happy.