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Not sure on where they got this information from, but according to this user, the Breslau passing track might go into service November 3rd. I have seen crews working on signals again recently, so at least signals may be up and running soon...

Service increases just from that section would be very limited if at all, but it could improve reliability (as I was stranded by a cancelled Kitchener train, the topic of that reddit post I got that info from.)

Real increases could be seen (with CN's cooperation) with the completion of Guelph Subdivision Construction Packages 2 and 4, which include the tie-in at Guelph, lay-by in Rockwood, and Acton passing track. I will note I have seen contractors doing surveying around that section of track in Guelph (Kent St). Other preliminary work before they could begin this package included the removal of an unused powerline around Rockwood.

Edit: Just to source the latest available dates. Note there is also a Package 3, which I'm not really sure where it specifically fits, it's encouraging to see a bunch of Kitchener Sub projects getting lined up, so work is incoming, so long as it's not pushed back again!

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Someone posted this in the More Transit for Southern Ontario discord channel.

Not sure on where they got this information from, but according to this user, the Breslau passing track might go into service November 3rd. I have seen crews working on signals again recently, so at least signals may be up and running soon...
Not a might - that work is scheduled to be completed and the stretch of double track will be activated this coming weekend. Paperwork has already been distributed to all of the crews.

As well, special instructions have been sent to all of the dispatchers about how to handle operating through the double track, which was configured in such a way that a train will have to slow down to 45mph either entering or exiting the double track section.

This is one promise Metrolinx has kept - ie to not repaint to the new scheme faster than required by refurbishment and wear and tear. When the new scheme was rolled out in 2014, ML stated that it would take 18 years to repaint the entire fleet.

- Paul
We need softer lighting on the TTC subways. Always migraine inducingly bright.
I don't like how East Harbour is so close to Union Station. Closer than Exhibition is to Union. The trains are going to move so slow between East Harbour and Union.

I was on the Stouffville train heading back to Union about a week ago, and once we passed under the Don Valley, it felt as if we were just crawling towards Union.

Aside from Electrification, is Metrolinx doing anything else to increase the speed of trains heading into and out of Union station? Signal and track improvements?
Aside from Electrification, is Metrolinx doing anything else to increase the speed of trains heading into and out of Union station? Signal and track improvements?

Quite a bit, actually. Wait until the new signalling system is cut in, and the new south platforms are built. Lots of track being moved around in that stretch. I'm not worried.

- Paul
Many, many thanks to City of Toronto staff for giving us far more information about GO Expansion than Metrolinx does. And timelines (which are further away than ML has admitted, but at least COT is being up front)

There is also a very helpful listing of past decisions and reports, which is useful for those tracking how long this work is taking and in some cases not progressing

- Paul
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Many, many thanks to City of Toronto staff for giving us far more information about GO Expansion than Metrolinx does. And timelines (which are further away than ML has admitted, but at least COT is being up front)

There is also a very helpful listing of past decisions and reports, which is useful for those tracking how long this work is progressing

- Paul
so theyve moved the goalposts to 2031!!... good god theyve become so incompetent.... :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
^ The only important missing details that I would have hoped would come to light

a) what ML plans to do at Woodbine station on the Kitchener line, which stands in the way of putting the fourth track (and those expensive 401 tunnels, currently sitting idle) in service west of Humberview. Nor is there a timeline for implementing the Mount Dennis -Nickle-Humberview fourth track through the now complete (but idle) fourth platform at Westion.
b) plans for Liberty station and addition of track from Lansdowne to Strachan

Note that the Highland Creek bridge is projected for 2026, meaning no real improvements to the Stouffville line service plan until then.

One understandable change to plan is the Birchmount Ave bridge. This is a good example of how projects do veer off schedule as conditions are assessed and discoveries made. All the same, without this bridge there will not be a fourth track between Danforth and Scarboro - so this likely is now the critical path item for service improvements on both LSE and Stouffville.

- Paul
Many, many thanks to City of Toronto staff for giving us far more information about GO Expansion than Metrolinx does. And timelines (which are further away than ML has admitted, but at least COT is being up front)

There is also a very helpful listing of past decisions and reports, which is useful for those tracking how long this work is taking and in some cases not progressing

- Paul

Are you actually expecting people to follow the links, Paul? When did you become such a dyed-in-wool optimist?


Btw, @crs1026, and you and @reaperexpress are expected to opinionate on the status of the specific projects noted.

Ha! I see you begun that work above while I am writing this post.....

Some details from the Executive Ctte Report linked above:













