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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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I prefer no vaccine and unless there's an absolute pandemic of something where death is almost assured I will never submit myself to such a thing.

I have my reasons, just as I refuse to ingest anything with artificial sweetener in it and avoid public tap water as it's loaded with a wonderful neurotoxin called fluoride that has never been proven safe to consume - even your toothpaste packaging will advise you to call the poison control centre should you ingest any of it.

My point - will all make our own decisions, I choose not to trust the often misguided judgement of our public health officials as do many others, no need to criticize someone for their beliefs.
I prefer no vaccine and unless there's an absolute pandemic of something where death is almost assured I will never submit myself to such a thing.

I have my reasons, just as I refuse to ingest anything with artificial sweetener in it and avoid public tap water as it's loaded with a wonderful neurotoxin called fluoride that has never been proven safe to consume - even your toothpaste packaging will advise you to call the poison control centre should you ingest any of it.

My point - will all make our own decisions, I choose not to trust the often misguided judgement of our public health officials as do many others, no need to criticize someone for their beliefs.

so it's not okay to criticize anyone's beliefs but it's okay to criticize the toothpaste industry, the public water supply, claim that public health officials are misguided, etc.
Organic Apple Cider Vinegar has been my "miracle" remedy for everything. I wouldn't trade it for anything. It has so many great purposes. The most amazing product I have ever used. it got rid of my acid reflux disease, it helps me with constipation, I used it to clean my hair, my skin, to get rid of fruit flies, to get rid of blemishes. It is fantastic!:)

Given that apples are the most widely cultivated fruit, you can thank considerable selective breeding and human intervention in creating the apples that go into your cider.

By the way, apple cider is quite acidic - regardless of whether you are drinking it, using it to shampoo or rubbing it on your skin.
p.s, nutritional supplements are just as much a poison as mercury. also, if you've ever eaten one salmon, it will introduce more mercury into your body than a vaccine shot.

Off topic, I'm sorry, but I have to flag a website re: mercury/toxins in fish that a Doctor (a Cardiologist at Women's College) gave to me recently while engaged in conversation during a stress test. No discussion required (I've already gone O/T), just give it a look if your interested.
so it's not okay to criticize anyone's beliefs but it's okay to criticize the toothpaste industry, the public water supply, claim that public health officials are misguided, etc.

They're merely my opinions - what's the point in bashing an individual?
Water is essential for life so why should my tax dollars go towards medicating the water supply with an industrial waste product? This is highly unethical IMO.
Just as a mandatory vaccine is unethical as well as letting the decisions of our health officials be swayed (and paid for) by drug companies and lobby groups (ie. read up on how aspartame was approved, it's sickening).
Water is essential for life so why should my tax dollars go towards medicating the water supply with an industrial waste product? This is highly unethical IMO.

Are you OK with the chlorine they use in the water supply?
They're merely my opinions - what's the point in bashing an individual?
Because misguided, uninformed and anti-scientific "opinions" from "individuals" like you, after spreading wide enough and deceiving enough people, can have very real consequences on public health and safety. Your posts on this and related topics so far have demonstrated that you have minimal grasp of toxicology, immunology and chemistry/biology in general, and what you (and the other two posters who had "contributed" to this thread so far) are spreading aren't just some innocuous opinions, they are things that can have truly dangerous real-life implications.
Because misguided, uninformed and anti-scientific "opinions" from "individuals" like you, after spreading wide enough and deceiving enough people, can have very real consequences on public health and safety. Your posts on this and related topics so far have demonstrated that you have minimal grasp of toxicology, immunology and chemistry/biology in general, and what you (and the other two posters who had "contributed" to this thread so far) are spreading aren't just some innocuous opinions, they are things that can have truly dangerous real-life implications.


If you google the issue of fluoride you'll find out that it has minimal impact on improving tooth decay when ingested and can be extremely toxic if too much is ingested. Europe has had the same improvements in oral hygiene that we have since the 70's without putting this nasty substance in their water. There's countless studies showing how dangerous it is, yet you're supporting 1940's science that supports adding this crap to our water and calling me a kook for saying so.

I guess you're the guy drinking suntan lotion at the beach...

If you google the issue of fluoride you'll find out that it has minimal impact on improving tooth decay when ingested and can be extremely toxic if too much is ingested. Europe has had the same improvements in oral hygiene that we have since the 70's without putting this nasty substance in their water. There's countless studies showing how dangerous it is, yet you're supporting 1940's science that supports adding this crap to our water and calling me a kook for saying so.

I guess you're the guy drinking suntan lotion at the beach...
If random googling is your standard of evidence for a scientific discussion (as you have demonstrated in multiple threads), I guess it's pretty clear who the joke is on. I also wasn't specifically/only referring to your fluoridation comments, but we can talk more about that. Blanket (and false) statements such as "Europe doesn't use water fluoridation" and "1940's science" show how little (if any) understanding you have of these things. Not only are there European countries that do fluoridate water; those that don't can avoid it largely because of their salt fluoridation programs, the increasing availability of other fluoridated dental products, and/or good preventative dental care. The concern is not whether fluoride is toxic (water is also toxic, so is air, and for that matter, everything else; one would have thought this simple fact has been mentioned here enough times already, but apparently it still passes over the head of some people) or whether it is useful (it is, all else being equal); the real question that should inform public health decision now is whether the redundant availability of fluoride would push exposure level beyond what is acceptable and also render water fluoridation no longer necessary. Something that is good but no longer necessary is very different from some malicious capitalist scheme out to poison people, as many conspiracy theorists are prone to believe, however well-meaning they might be.
golodhendil, I guess I'm nuts for having the opinion that pure water is not as good as water filled with an industrial waste product...
Why not just put vitamin C in it as well since it's known to combat a much greater host of problems while we're at it? Why just fluoride? Does this make ANY sense?

I'm also nuts for questioning authority?

When the sars epidemic hit you could find me at Roll San in chinatown enjoying a delicious meal with a nearly empty restaurant while you were probably locked up in your house glued to CNN.

These are the same public health officials that have deemed aspartame safe, that have lowered the recommended intake of fluoride year after year (and admitted they will continue to do so until probably it hits 0%), and see it fit to have hospitals that feed us crap when we're in there despite the fact that poor nutrition is the cause of 90% of our ailments and disease.

You can call me crazy all you want, may I die an early death by not getting vaccinated against a particular strain of the flu, eating organic fruits and vegetables (and avoiding most processed crap that most people consume daily) and avoiding eating fluoride (among other things), I'm sure I'll live a much shorter life than you ...
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I guess I'm nuts for having the opinion that pure water is not as good as water filled with an industrial waste product...

there's a millions of people alive right now thanks to ingesting rat poison on a daily basis (think blood thinners). also, because something is an industrial byproduct does not necessarily make it bad. and because something is "1940's science" does not make it junk.

i have found that the people against water fluoridation are the same ones against government funded health care. they seem to be motivated by ideology. if it's government sponsored, it's communism!
golodhendil, I guess I'm nuts for having the opinion that pure water is not as good as water filled with an industrial waste product...
Why not just put vitamin C in it as well since it's known to combat a much greater host of problems while we're at it? Why just fluoride? Does this make ANY sense?

I'm also nuts for questioning authority?

When the sars epidemic hit you could find me at Roll San in chinatown enjoying a delicious meal with a nearly empty restaurant while you were probably locked up in your house glued to CNN.

These are the same public health officials that have deemed aspartame safe, that have lowered the recommended intake of fluoride year after year (and admitted they will continue to do so until probably it hits 0%), and see it fit to have hospitals that feed us crap when we're in there despite the fact that poor nutrition is the cause of 90% of our ailments and disease.

You can call me crazy all you want, may I die an early death by not getting vaccinated against a particular strain of the flu, eating organic fruits and vegetables (and avoiding most processed crap that most people consume daily) and avoiding eating fluoride (among other things), I'm sure I'll live a much shorter life than you ...
Really? That's it? When it's pointed out to you that what you said are factually incorrect, all you can do is throw out baseless insults and random accusations that aren't half true or even form an internally consistent story? When I have been criticizing conspiratorial rumours and media hype all along, suddenly I would be glued to CNN and fall for the anti-Chinese restaurants fearmongering? BTW, being a Chinese person myself, during the SARS period I'd probably been to Chinese restaurants more often than you would in a year.

There are so many scientific errors in your post it's not even funny. Supplementing water with vitamin C? Seriously? When the whole vit C supplement fad is one of the biggest loads of pseudoscientific junk, and much of the vitamin C we ingest get flushed down the toilet anyway?

Scepticism and questioning authority is the cornerstone and essence of science, no need to tell me about it when those are what I do everyday. But as Richard Dawkins would say, "By all means let's be open-minded, but not so open-minded that our brains drop out." And are you really questioning authority, or are you just selectiively trusting certain authority figures (health fadists, natural living quacks and Greenpeace) and not others (public health officials, academics)?

And being not as ill-willed a person as you are, of course I would not wish you a short life. Not that there's even necessarily any certainty to it, since lifestyle is only one part of what determines one's health, with genetics, gene-environment interactions and chance playing as big or even bigger roles.
I feel this sums up a lot of conspiracy types.

"No one to blame! … That was why most people led lives they hated, with people they hated. … How wonderful to have someone to blame! How wonderful to live with one’s nemesis! You may be miserable, but you feel forever in the right. You may be fragmented, but you feel absolved of all the blame for it. Take your life in your own hands, and what happens? A terrible thing: no one to blame."

Erica Jong (b. 1942), U.S. author.
I guess people should continue the way they are going and follow the plan of the government. They plan to wipe people out who are ignorant anyway. It seems like it is working.

What the hell?
