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You can find more details about the Rossdale transportation network changes in the Rossdale thread

I wonder if they’ll use lane control (like Connors Rd) for Walterdale
This seems to be most appropriate given that it's 3 lanes.

I think I'm at peace with the High Level being repaired. I do think that it's ultimately going to turn into an expensive ship of Theseus ordeal, but so be it for the historic place. I do know that a replacement would have 3-4 lanes, even with an LRT addition, so I'm happy that the crossing will be forced to remain with 2.

Perhaps it's worth revisiting the high level line, though. With the strengthening of Edmonton's bike network, this crossing falls very short, and I think the sidewalk is best used for just that.

LRT as imagined by the city isn't the only option for rail transport from Jasper to Whyte along the path maintained by ERRS, in my opinion. When they say they bridge can't support LRT Vehicles, surely they're talking about the current fleet of Bombardier LRVs.
I see no reason why lighter weight, on-wire only versions of Brookville's streetcars couldn't be used for consistent service to Whyte. (See photos)

I do not want the city to ever step on the toes of ERRS, infact I'd appreciate funding for them from the city as they effectively act as a transit agency for many in the summer. It's just a shame that this route is only used, and viewed by many as a historical ride. I wanna tap my ARC card to get on the ERRS trams please. Thanks


This seems to be most appropriate given that it's 3 lanes.

I think I'm at peace with the High Level being repaired. I do think that it's ultimately going to turn into an expensive ship of Theseus ordeal, but so be it for the historic place. I do know that a replacement would have 3-4 lanes, even with an LRT addition, so I'm happy that the crossing will be forced to remain with 2.

Perhaps it's worth revisiting the high level line, though. With the strengthening of Edmonton's bike network, this crossing falls very short, and I think the sidewalk is best used for just that.

LRT as imagined by the city isn't the only option for rail transport from Jasper to Whyte along the path maintained by ERRS, in my opinion. When they say they bridge can't support LRT Vehicles, surely they're talking about the current fleet of Bombardier LRVs.
I see no reason why lighter weight, on-wire only versions of Brookville's streetcars couldn't be used for consistent service to Whyte. (See photos)

I do not want the city to ever step on the toes of ERRS, infact I'd appreciate funding for them from the city as they effectively act as a transit agency for many in the summer. It's just a shame that this route is only used, and viewed by many as a historical ride. I wanna tap my ARC card to get on the ERRS trams please. Thanks

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Challenge with HLL is there’s too much uncertainty. I think we should commit to a rebuild that kills 5 birds with 1 stone.

HSR & government centre terminal. Festival line LRT/BRT crossing for central circulator. Linear park with walking/biking connections. 3 lanes of vehicle capacity and no weird turns anymore.
I've beeb thinking of a better way to keep inattentive truck drivers from getting stuck at the bridge entrance. Instead of the overhead chains that are dangling before the bridge, replace the chains with much lower and strong FIXED metal bar, or even better a concrete crossbar that's as low as the lowest point of the chains. Hopefully that would stop trucks before it is too late.

They still get to pay the penalty for being stupid, but at least the bridge isn't held up for hours.

Thoughts? I'm thinking something REALLY heavy duty that would stop a truck dead in its tracks.
The more I visit the (thriving) retail/food scene on 109th Street and Jasper (by car, yes I know...), the more I wish I could go northbound directly on 109th Street across the river rather than detouring down to the Walterdale Bridge (easily an extra 10 minutes). And with the talk of Walterdale supposedly being able to be converted to 4-lanes of potentially two-way vehicle traffic, it's got me thinking that we need to commit to making our river crossings bidirectional and replace the High Level with a wider new bridge (that can also carry HSR/LRT). This should be paired with a bunch of other roadway network improvements at the river crossing.

I get that we should be encouraging active transport/transit use into the core, but the better we allow all modes of transport (including cars and buses on roadways) to access Downtown, the more it can thrive. And honestly, the active transport on the bridge sucks right now. You've got rusty pillars jutting up through the sidewalk with loud and echoey traffic on the other side, all while you're hemmed in by the suicide barrier. And depending on which mode you put on the top deck, imagine the signature view of the skyline you'd get going northbound.


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I love your plans, @yeggator, although I have a few suggestions:
  1. Retain the original High Level Bridge for pedestrians, cyclists and the streetcar. The new High Level Bridge can carry cars, trucks, public transit and HSR.
  2. The new bridge cuts right through the playing fields at Kinsman Park. Move it closer to the alignment of the original bridge.
  3. Walterdale Hill Road needs to be bidirectional instead of one way.
  4. Get rid of that hairpin turn on Saskatchewan Drive.
  5. Retain Queen Elizabeth Park Road as-is now that we have the Queen Elizabeth Park in place.
I love your plans, @yeggator, although I have a few suggestions:
  1. Retain the original High Level Bridge for pedestrians, cyclists and the streetcar. The new High Level Bridge can carry cars, trucks, public transit and HSR.
  2. The new bridge cuts right through the playing fields at Kinsman Park. Move it closer to the alignment of the original bridge.
  3. Walterdale Hill Road needs to be bidirectional instead of one way.
  4. Get rid of that hairpin turn on Saskatchewan Drive.
  5. Retain Queen Elizabeth Park Road as-is now that we have the Queen Elizabeth Park in place.
1. Hmm, now that I’m looking at the map, it looks like there would be space to keep the legacy bridge for footpaths and the streetcar (it would be awesome to convert those driving lanes to bike paths) and build a realigned 109th Street bridge. Honestly, that’s a great idea that’ll appeal to a wider group of people and not waste the efforts we’re putting in now to rehabilitate the existing bridge.
2. To be honest, I would rather keep the new 109th Street bridge alignment as straight as possible and move the playing fields rather than shift the bridge closer to the HLB, especially if that leads to the old bridge getting more in the way during construction of the new one.
3. I don’t mind this. Although to me, it doesn’t make much of a difference in connectivity if you already have bidirectional connectivity to 97th Ave via the new bridge to access Rossdale and the Walterdale bridge. Curious to hear how you think it would improve connectivity though.
4. Sure, one less light to deal with.
5. For the most part, it’s retained as-is except for the merge with the realigned Gateway Boulevard.

I've long said if there was going to be a couplet, they picked the wrong directions for the High Level and Walterdale and they didn't fix it with the new Walterdale.

I would take your sketch with a few changes:

1. Keep the High Level Bridge one way but north-bound, not southbound and restrict it to cars only. South side truck routes could remain pretty much as they are.

2. Keep the Walterdale Bridge one way but southbound, not northbound, with Walterdale Hill reverting to two lanes southbound, not northbound and the third lane feeding Queen Elizabeth Road.

3. Queen Elizabeth Road should be converted to two way to maintain south side access to Kinsment and provide south side egress from Kinsmen. A left turn only at the top would eliminate the need for a tight hairpin at Saskatchewan Drive.

4. Saskatchewan Drive could be converted to one way west bound to feed the High Level Bridge rather than Walterdale Bridge.

Ingress and egress to both Kinsman and the Indigineous Art Park would now be available from both the north and south side.

Traffic arriving in downtown would be top of bank to top of bank with the views that affords and would drive past the legislature of the Province's capital city.

Traffic not destined for downtown could continue northbound to Kingsway Mall, the Royal Alex and Gelnrose, Blatchford etc. could simply drive straight through on 109th without having to scale the hill using 105th Street and then divert either east or west through the core.

Both north bound and southbound traffic would have reasonable access to alternative routes before getting caught in a traffic jam rather than after it's too late.

My two cents worth...

I've long said if there was going to be a couplet, they picked the wrong directions for the High Level and Walterdale and they didn't fix it with the new Walterdale.

I would take your sketch with a few changes:

1. Keep the High Level Bridge one way but north-bound, not southbound and restrict it to cars only. South side truck routes could remain pretty much as they are.

2. Keep the Walterdale Bridge one way but southbound, not northbound, with Walterdale Hill reverting to two lanes southbound, not northbound and the third lane feeding Queen Elizabeth Road.

3. Queen Elizabeth Road should be converted to two way to maintain south side access to Kinsment and provide south side egress from Kinsmen. A left turn only at the top would eliminate the need for a tight hairpin at Saskatchewan Drive.

4. Saskatchewan Drive could be converted to one way west bound to feed the High Level Bridge rather than Walterdale Bridge.

Ingress and egress to both Kinsman and the Indigineous Art Park would now be available from both the north and south side.

Traffic arriving in downtown would be top of bank to top of bank with the views that affords and would drive past the legislature of the Province's capital city.

Traffic not destined for downtown could continue northbound to Kingsway Mall, the Royal Alex and Gelnrose, Blatchford etc. could simply drive straight through on 109th without having to scale the hill using 105th Street and then divert either east or west through the core.

Both north bound and southbound traffic would have reasonable access to alternative routes before getting caught in a traffic jam rather than after it's too late.

My two cents worth...
I think switching the directions of the HLB and Walterdale would be a good interim solution until we build a new rail and road bridge at 109th Street and make both that and Walterdale bidirectional.
