I think that this is a key observation that may be overlooked in all the skepticism about the project - it reminds me of the Ontario Liberal's gambit on the Ontario Pension Plan and how that contributed to an enhancement of the Canada Pension Plan that encompassed some of Ontario's plan.
That's a very good analogy in terms of unintended (but positive) consequences. There might yet be a few more, like provincial drug plans, but I'm pushing the simile.
My initial thought was unions long ago learning to ask more than what they finally settle for, knowing that you'll never get what you state, but you aim it too high because of that, and end-up on target.
I've yet to re-read the final report, it's pretty droll reading, but got the distinct impression that Collenette's role was more as an overseer, and the slog work was done by 'professional report writers'.
Google "high speed rail report Steer Davies Gleave" to see what I mean. They've written a slew of these for many big name high-speed projects. So one wonders just how extensive was Collenette's role in this? Let me proffer: In an executive sense, a lot. Just from his background, which I've been digging on, he has an agenda more in keeping with what Desjardins-Siciliano espouses. For good reason. I don't need to elaborate on that unless challenged, most of us agree that we'd rather an affordable meal of meat, potatoes and vegetables every night than caviar and champagne once a week in lieu, and have pay for it on a credit card with an ever-increasing balance.
Collenette has a pretty humble background and has displayed pretty progressive but grounded ideas on rail elsewhere.
One has to wonder if he won't have a role to play with the Infrastructure Bank...and HFR? He now has a report with sections in it (some I and others have quoted) that makes a compelling case for The Missing Link and HFR (and RER subsidiary to them).
Collenette may be more adept than sometimes given credit for. And there's that CEO position still open at the Infrastructure Bank....hmmmmm....
Edit to Add: Collenette would be considered a Liberal hack if appointed as CEO of the Infrastructure Bank, I withdraw that comment, but he is even more valuable as a "Special Adviser" than I thought from what I'd Googled before.
His experience in Cabinet is very extensive, but regard this:
City of Ottawa Transportation Task Force Committee
On January 19, 2007,
Ottawa Mayor
Larry O'Brien named Collenette as the head of a Transportation Task Force Committee in which in a six-month period it reviewed the transportation issues across the city. It produced a report which suggested
light-rail service expansion throughout the city of Ottawa and several communities in
Eastern Ontario as well as portions of the
Outaouais region in Western
Quebec. His report also suggested one to two new interprovincial bridge crossings between
Gatineau and Ottawa over the next 30 years.
There's the meat, potatoes and veggies. Collenette is being wasted doing promo for HSR.
Second Edit to Add: More on Collenette, albeit from a subjective source:
However, the first time VIA was given a fair shake was under Transport Minister David Collenette. He was born in London (UK) and spent his first 10 years near Marylebone Station, where he befriended the railroaders and was rewarded with “footplate rides” on the steam engines shuttling back and forth to the loco shed. When he arrived in Toronto in 1957, his family lived near Danforth and Broadview, giving him the opportunity to hang out on the Prince Edward Viaduct after school and watch the CP and CN trains in the Don Valley below, as well as admire the pairs of TTC multiple unit “trams” zooming by at street level.
By his own admission, Collenette has always liked passenger trains and believed they could play a greater role in Canada, if given half a chance. He got the opportunity to help make that happen in 1997 when he took over the transport portfolio in the Jean Chretien government following the not-so-VIA-friendly work of Doug Young and David Anderson. One result was $500 million in capital funding to VIA when it was on its knees financially due to the budget slashing of his predecessors and former bus line owner Paul Martin, then serving as minister of finance. Had the government not changed from Chretien to Martin in 2003, Collenette might have set us on the road to high-speed (or at least higher-speed) passenger service with the logical VIAFast plan, which he set up for full funding. Martin killed it and took back some of VIA’s approved funding.
I have to admit that my eyes glaze over whenever I hear a pol embrace HSR and predict its delivery, fully formed as our equivalent of the French TGV’s and Japanese Shinkansens, will be a snap. Been there, heard that.
I was, therefore, suitably impressed when the members of the team working with Collenette told the audiences at the information sessions they conducted throughout Southwestern Ontario that they were considering three technological options: 300-km/h electric service, 200-km/h electric and 200-km/h diesel. [...]
Greg Gormick
Gormick doesn't reference his claims save for hearsay, but if accepted as based on fact, then "200-km/h electric and 200-km/h diesel" has been dropped in this HSR report for some reason. And that's a curious omission, as it is HFR speed!
It was carefully chosen by Desjardins-Siciliano and others as the highest speed TC permits without mandating grade separation. It's also the achievable and affordable target, and totally compatible with RER, and done with 'conventional' trainsets, diesel, electric or bi-modal, as the last VIA fleet replacement RFQ stated.